Chapter 4

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"Honestly, how dare you be so rude to Lady Elizabeth"

Suddenly, a very familiar voice rang throughout the forest. "Brother...." I mumbled. Gloxinia raised an eyebrow. "[Y/N], you have a brother?" He spoke, utterly shocked.

"Huh? Gloxinia, you should know this. Sariel is my younger brother. He's a member of the four arch-angels. He's the shortest one of them with the biggest temper," I chuckled softly.

Drole also seemed quite surprised. "Drole? You seem surprised as well. You know what, you two have been acting really weird today-" I was cut off my Sariel and Tarmiel's spell. While they were far away from us, there voices were loud and clear.

"And now! I summon, omega ark!"

I gasped. "You idiot! You'll kill all of those demons!" I looked behind me at Gloxinia and Drole. "Come on! We need to stop this now! Meliodas went in that direction. I assume that he's gone to Elizabeth," I spoke quickly.

I wasted no time in spreading out my wings and flying through the trees. Magic spells were flung around and dust clouded the forest. Eventually, we'd caught up to Meliodas, but none of us said a single word. We knew what had to be done.

"There's Elizabeth!" Meliodas exclaimed. She was surrounded by a magical field. By the magical aura, I could sense that it was placed by none other than my brother.

Drole tried to touch it, but it shocked him in return. "[Y/N], you're a goddess, can you do anything?" He asked in a worried tone. All of us here were dear friends of Elizabeth and Meliodas. It was only natural that we would be concerned.

"I'm sorry," I shook my head. "While the barrier may have been placed by my brother, I'm not strong enough to undo it. I'm sorry-" Meliodas put his hand on my shoulder to silence me. He put his hand out with a thumbs up and that cheeky smile of his. "Don't worry! I've got this!"

Meliodas turned to the barrier. Despite the pain, he eventually broke through and had Elizabeth in his arms once again. However, once he set her on her feet, she started crying.

"I-I'm sorry....I couldn't do anything..." her voice was barely more than a whisper. I levitated next to Elizabeth, so that I could touch her shoulder. "Elizabeth, it's okay. Neither of us could, but we're stronger together, aren't we? You have all of us. Meliodas, Gloxinia, Drole. We're all by your side. So let's go! And help them!"

Elizabeth whiped her tears and strongly nodded her head, pulling a smile. "Yeah!" Meliodas nodded his head as well, going to grab Elizabeth's hand. "[Y/N]'s right. We're all in this together! Let's go!" He took of running.

"H-hey! Wait up!" Drole called out. We laughed as the three of us went to chase after them.


"Sariel.....please! Open your eyes!" I cried softly. "Tarmiel....I'm sorry," my voice cracked. "[Y/N]!" Elizabeth looked down at me, giving me a smile. "Heal them. I'll handle this,"

I didn't question anything and nodded. "You can count on me!" I looked back to see the trio. "Meliodas, protect her. As soon as I'm done, I'll come and help!" The trio immediately returned to the battlefield.

I looked down at Sariel and Tarmiel's unconsious states. I took in a deep breath. Just think....what makes me happy... I focused on every method that Zeldris had taught me. A warm glow came from my hands.

Just as I finished, a large gust of wind blew by. Once the dust cleared I looked up at Elizabeth's magic ability.

"Let there be light!"

"[Y/N]?" A meek voice called out. I gasped, looking down at Sariel. He was conscious. "Sariel! Tarmiel! You're awake! I'm so glad," I gave him a swift hug, letting go as Tarmiel spoke.

"She's getting pushed back," Sariel stood up and glanced up at the fight. "What do you except? They even overpowered us,"

"Enough!" Ludociel shouted, magic gathering in his hand. "I'll kill them right now and get this over with!" Elizabeth gasped. "Please don't!" Like a knight in shining armor, Meliodas came to her rescue.

"Meliodas, thank you," the goddess started. "I don't feel like I have the right to say I'm sorry for what happened. I was so might as well have been my fault the others died!" Elizabeth cried.

"I don't know why you'd even want to apologize in the first place!" Sariel tilted his head to the side. I groaned slightly. I flew up to Elizabeth's side. "It's simple brother. We simply see the good in the demon race," I looked down at the two arch-angels.

"But what worth would saving the demon race even be?" Tarmiel added. "Worth? Tell me, who decided what worth someone has? Is that something someone get's to decide?!" Elizabeth started. I nodded, adding my magic power to Elizabeth's light.

"The morning's light and the night's shadows both fall onto everyone equally. On humans, on the Giant race, on the Fairy race, the Goddess race, and the Demon race as well!"

"Enough of this foolish talk! The supreme deity would never approve of this!" Ludociel retaliated. I scoffed at his words. "So what? It's not like we're asking for anyone's permission!" I yelled at him. "I decided to support the demon race of my own will because......Z is who makes me happy! All demons have good in them! You just have to give them a chance!"

Ludociel seemed to be getting agrivated. "Sariel! Tarmiel! Get over here! We're destroying the Ten Commandments and Meliodas!" The two angels looked at each other and gave a nod. They flew to the sides of Ludociel to do something he never expected.

They gave their own light to me and Elizabeth's. Tears welled up in my eyes, a smile on my face. "Thank you," I muttered.

"What are you doing?! Ludociel seemed upset. My brother smirked. "Well, isn't it obvious?" Tarmiel finished their explanation. "We have chosen to ignore your orders and act of our own free will,"

"Let 'em have it!"

With our help, Elizabeth was able to dispell the darkness from Derierii and Monspeet. Elizabeth passed out, but Meliodas was able to catch her in time. I turned to look at Sariel and Tarmiel, giving them a smile. The two nodded back at me, giving back the same smile.

"I won't allow those two to live!" Ludociel went to attack the two unconscious commandments, but luckily, Drole was able to stop him. "Gloxinia, Drole, thanks! I owe you one! You too, Sariel and Tarmirl!" Meliodas cheered with a smile.

"The last thing I want is your gratitude," Sariel pouted. I snickered quietly. "Then how about my gratitude!" I surrounded my brother and Tarmiel in a hug. Meliodas suddenly remembered something. "Oh!"

"[Y/N], you mentioned a demon named Z that made you happy? I know for sure that's not me-" he almost seemed suspicious. My cheeks suddenly went pink. "I-uhh"

"Soooooo~" Meliodas raised his eyebrows. "Who is ittt?~~" I puffed out my cheeks. "At least he's not a pervert like you," I mumbled. "Besides, it's better that I don't say. If the Demon King found out that he's been mingling with a goddess, he may be considered a traitor,"

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