Chapter 19

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!!!Sad Music helps set the feels!!!!


The ultimate fluff is here!

enjoy fruit pack

- author kiwi

It wasn't that much long after the event, that we traveled back to Camelot Castle. The moon was still high when we arrived. The stars lit up the starry sky perfectly.

Once we were inside, Zeldris turned to face me. "I've prepared a room for you to stay in," I nodded my head as a reply, giving a weak smile. "That would be lovely, thank you Zeldris," He gave a nod and took my wrist gently and lead me across the hallway.

The journey was silent. Neither of us spoke a word. I only stared at the ground. There were so many things that I wanted to know.

"Here it is," I suddenly looked up and forced a smile. "Thank you Zeldris!" I beamed. "I'm right next door. Just knock and I'll be right there," I nodded quickly and raced to the door. "Thanks! Night Zel! See you tomorrow!" His dark eyes flashed with concern before I immediately closed the door.

My lip began to quiver. I bit it harshly to try and stop the approaching tears. The room was quite nice. There was a window in the middle of the wall across from me. A bed with many F/C blankets was to the left of the window, completley pressed against the window.

No light was powered on in the room, leaving a soft blue glow from the window. I slowly slipped out of my shoes and layed them beside the door gently. With small individual steps; I slowly made my way to the window.

I opened the window harshly, a large gust of wind filled the room the split second it opened before dying down. A gentle breeze replaced the harsh one, gently blowing my hair behind me.

I placed my delicate hands on the icy window sil and looked out into the night. The full moon was so bright whilst it illuminated the sky. Millions of small stars twinkled.

My mind drifted to the events of Meliodas's death. In those moments, I cried out desperately.

"Let me go! I-I have to save him! I can't let him die! I can't loose anyone else! I won't let anyone else die! I can't! I can't! I can't!"

My desperate cried echoed in my mind. The way my voice cracked after every scream despite how tired and sore my voice was echoed. I could still feel the waterfalls of tears on my cheeks. Everytime I blinked, my eyes would sting because of the long period of time that I cried.

Yet, something still eluded me. Every cry that left me earlier, triggered a memory of some kind. In the moment, I had no time to process them, but now I did.


🌸 I can't loose anyone else! 🌸

Four children clouded my mind. One had a smile as bright as the sun. Yet, another side of her seemed to be sassy and strong willed.

Another, held a constant smirk. He hooked his arms around two other children. One smiled sweetly, yet looked very timid while the other looked off to the side, distracted by the butterfly on his nose.

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