Chapter 7

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"Thank you for letting us stay with you," Liz smiled brightly. Currently, we had just made the journey to my small hut. I opened the door and went inside.

"Of course! Meliodas is an old friend of mine and I would never turn away both of you if you need a place to stay. Besides! I want to get to know you better, Liz," I explained. "The children are usually quite shy. Mika is normally very sassy, but I've never seen her so happy since her parents died," I added.

(My six year old brother was reading over my shoulder and just said 'that's a sad story that her parents died'. My heart just melted-)

"Really? She seemed like a very cheerful girl to me," Meliodas inquired. The two entered my home as I closed the door behind them. "Feel free to make yourselves at home. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask," I smiled.

"It's getting quite late. Would you like somthing to eat?" I asked. "Food would be lovely. Thank you, Y/N!" Liz answered. Meliodas suddenly raised his hand. "Oo! Let me help!" Liz immediately shook her head. "No way! Your food may look appetizing, but the taste isn't the best," Liz chuckled.

I giggled. "That makes sense. I do always remember our friends had to do the cooking. We wouldn't let Meliodas within a foot of the food," I laughed at the memory. "I personally do all the cooking since Meliodas isn't the best at it. If there's any way I can help, just let me know," the pinkette offered.

I went ahead and prepared dinner. I made the table and we all talked as we ate. Meliodas seemed so happy with Liz, but there was a sadness he carried with him. "Oh! I suppose that I should show you where you both will be staying. Don't worry, I'll clean the dishes,"

I purposefully lead Liz to her room and gave her everything she would need for the night. Meliodas looked up at me with a serious look. I sighed softly. "Don't worry. I didn't forget," I led Meliodas back into the main room and sat down with him beside me.

"As you suspected. I was cursed, Meliodas. Although, I haven't been able to figure it out," I spoke softly. Gently, I lifted up my left sleeve to show him the dark marks that covered my arm.

His eyes widened. "But- those are demon markings!" I nodded. "For some reason, every couple years they spread. It used to just be my hand, but now my whole arm is practically covered. And every time it spreads, I can feel my grace leaving me as well as my very sanity," my voice was reduced to a whisper.

Meliodas let out a soft hum as he closed his eyes, deep in thought. "We were both cursed for similar reasons and around the same time frame. Do you happen to have the dates of when it spread?" He asked seriously, a hint of sterness in hia voice.

"I do," I simply answered. I stood up to grab an old worn out journal from my shelf. "I wrote down the dates in hopes of finding a pattern, but I was  never able to figure it out," sitting back down, Meliodas took the journal and looked through it.

His green eyes widened almost immediately. Flipping through the pages quickly, his shock only seemed to grow. "But- these are all dates when Elizabeth or I died-" he muttered in shock. My own eyes widened in response. "Our curses may be connected after all. Meliodas, you're a genius!"

"What'd you expect?!" The demon chuckled cheekily. I smirked and chuckled myself. "Nowww, don't forget your own half of the bargain. You need to tell me everything about the last 1500 years!"

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