Chapter 27

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???? P.O.V

"Arthur!!!" A womans voice echoed throughout my mind. It was one of distress and worry. I could almost see the tears.

"Arthur is about to die!!"

A scene flickered in my mind. The King of Camelot's bright smile illuminated a never-ending darkness. But slowly, his smile fell, blood trickling down his lips. The same sword that he sought out, aas lodged into his chest.

Suddenly, it shifted into Camelot Castle. It zoomed into a lone window, strands of H/C behind it.


My violet eyes fluttered open. I sat up, rubbing my head of short, black hair. I pushed myself off the ground and yawned, stretching my arms out.

The small cave held almost all of the citizens of Camelot in it. Something felt wrong, and I'm sure most of us could feel it. The energy in the cave was much less lively than normal.

"I'm heading out," I announced suddenly. A girl with lavander hair turned to face me with a worried expression. "What for? This is quite random for you Zander," she spoke. She wore a knights uniform, a sword attatched at her hip. "Was it a vision, again?"

I laughed, smiling nervously. "Yeah-" I nodded slowly. "But! I think I might have a clue on Lady Y/N's whereabouts!" I exclaimed. A huge smile made its way onto the girls face. "That's amazing!"

She ran forward and gave me a big bear hug. "You've all been searching for so long. I really hope that you find her! Besides, I reallyyyy want to meet her!" Lilith exclaimed, her blue eyes shining in excitement.

A small blush made its way to my face as I nodded quickly, turning towards the outer entrance of the cave. "Lilith, can you protect everyone for me here until I get back?" I asked. Lilith nodded. "You can count on me! I'm not a knight of Camelot for no reason! There's no need to ask me to protect my people- 'cuz I'm already on it!" She laughed.

I waved goodbye, but before I could leave, I was stopped by a hug from behind. "Come back safe. The Demons are a formidable enemy," Lilith mumbled into my back. I turned around and gave her a thumbs up.

"I will! I'll see you soon, Lil!"

"Lil?" She repeated, a small blush on her face.

Without hesitation, I ran out of the cave, pulling up my grey hood and black mask. The city was covered in a thick fog. Almost all of the buildings were destroyed in some way, shape, or form. The closer I got to Camelot Castle, the more nervous I got.

Was it really possible that, that was Lady Y/N in the window? I'd know that shade of H/C anywhere, but then again- she didn't do much to change up her hairstyle. Besides- all these current visions of her just had to mean something. They had too!

Abruptly, coming to a stop, I placed my hand on the walls of Camelot Castle. Popping my knuckles, I removed my nunchucks from the belt of my baggy, black pants.

I took in deep breaths, allowing the electricity to flow through me. With a grunt, I stabbed my nunchucks into the wall. I sent the electricity to my nunchucks and my feet/boots.

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