Chapter 21

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Y/N P.O.V🌸

My eyes went wide and it felt like all time had stopped. "What?" I mumbled. "Stop spouting nonsense! I'll kill you!" Derieri sprouted into the fight.

Suddenly, the three of them flew off into the distance into their fight. Ban immediately ran over to me and held my shoulders tightly.

"What in the world is she talking about Y/N?!" He shook me harshly. I looked up at Ban with a sorrowful look. "I'm not sure..." I sighed. "But I always had the sneaking suspicion that this curse would result in my death somehow, but enough of that!" I smacked his hands off of me and turned my back to him summoned my wings, allowing spare feathers to fall to the ground.

"I'll leave you with this message Ban," I turned to face him as all time seemed to stand still.

"I remember.....everything, and I'm sorry for how I treated all of you, but I can't change any of that now," I spoke softly. "But know that, right now, I'm on neither side, but rather, someone trying to keep the two sides from destroying each other,"

With a flap of my wings, I flew high into the air, Ban's cried behind me slowly fading away. I flew above the forest with a sad face. I gently let my fingers graze the demon marks on my neck that had slowly cascaded up to my cheek. I began to dig my nails into my skin from the anger.

"Ahhhhhh!!" A shrill scream echoed throughout the forest. That scream was so recognizable that I immediately knew whom it was. "What have you done now, Hawk?" I flew down to see a swarm of demons.

"Elizabeth!" I exclaimed. I flew down to her and immediately wrapped my arms around her happily, sending some of my light spears through demons behind me. "I'm so happy to see you! I guess now's not a good time, though," I chuckled.

I turned around and began to assemble thousands of my light spears. "It's nice Y/N! She's back!" Hawk cheered. Within a minute, all of the demons were gone and in chopped up pieces. "Never fear because Y/N's back in buisness!" I did a small peace sign when I turned around at Hawk, whom of course, had eaten the demon chops.

"Y/N? Are your memories back?!" She asked. I nodded with a smile. "Yup! And I'm doin' whatever I can to help everyone out!" Elizabeth smiled brightly with tears in her eyes.

"Oh thank goodness! Everyone was so worried!" She hugged me tightly,  putting me straight into her chest. "Cwan't bweatd (can't breath)," my words were muffled into her chest, but she got the message.

I pulled away, with a smile; but suddenly started coughing harshly into my palm. My vision slowly got blurry, but I shook my head and it was suddenly gone. "I'm good!" I smiled.

Elizabeth yelped. "How? You just were coughing really bad and brush it off a second later! When you hugged me earlier your head was really hot to-" She exclaimed. I shrugged my shoulders and quickly flew up.

"I've gotta go and find Zeldris to make sure he's not doing anything stupid! Bye Ellie!" I immediately flew off, coughing a few times into my palm again.

I closed my eyes and tried to trace Zeldris's magic signature. Eventually, I caughg wind of it and began to follow it, but it slowly dimmed. I flew down to see Zeldris on the ground in the distance. "Zel!" I flew down to his side to find horrible burn marks all over his body. Many of them were bleeding and would most likely blister and scar.

I sighed and put my hands over his body and began to heal him. "Why did I have a feeling you were doing something stupid," I chuckled tiredly, sweat beginning to form on my forehead. It felt like my whole face was burning up.

His wounds slowly began to close up. My vision blurred in and out and I debated stopping before I saw Zeldris begin to stirr. I closed my eyes to mask the dizziness. "Y/N...?" A voice called out.

I opened my eyes to be greeted by Zeldris's green eyes. "Hey you big dummy," I chuckled softly. "What did I say....about...getting into...trouble-" my words slowly got quieter as my vision began to blur and I felt myself falling backwards.




His words went in and out of my head. I felt his arms wrap around my limp body. My breaths were uneven and my fave was red.

I could feel his bare hand graze my forehead.

"She's burning up-!"

"Estarossa! We're heading back!"

I didn't hear much else before my mind had went completely blank.


When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in my bed back at Camelot Castle. I sighed and placed my hand on my head. It was still burning up. I let out a sigh.

Abruptly, the door gently opened. I glanced over to see Zeldris. I sat up immediately. "Zel!" I exclaimed. "You gave me quite a fright," He spoke gently. "You just suddenly passed out and had a high fever," He put his hand to my forehead and sighed softly.

"You're still burning up. At least you're conscious now," Zeldris chuckled softly to himself. I tilted my head to the side withy mouth in an 'o' shape. "You say that like I've been out for a while," I laughed jokingly.

"You've been out for a whole day," my eyes widened. "What?! There's no way I've been out for that long-!" I began coughing again. Zeldris took my shoulders and gently lay me down again once I was stable.

"This is so annoyinggg," I puffed out my cheeks. Zeldris gave a soft sigh before he opened the window. "It's a nice day today. The wind should help bring your temperature back up," He explained. I nodded. He walked towards the door before glancing back at me. "I'll be back in a bit,"

Once he left, I closed my eyes for a split second before hearing scufflung noises. I immediately stood up, in a panic, but when I realized I couldn't stop the tears.

Meliodas sat in the open window with a smile. "Yo!" I ran to him and gave him a big hug. "Meliodas, I'm so sorry," I cried. "I tried to hurt you and I did! I'm so sorry! I called you an enemy and- and-" suddenly he put a hand on my head.

"It's all in the past. That wasn't you. This is," Meliodas smiled. Suddenly, a pervy smirk grew on his face. "Sooooo~ you and my brother, huh? Was he the demon you were talking about 3000 years ago? That Z person-" he rambled.

"Pervert!" I smacked him playfully on the head. "I'll take that as a yes!" Mel exclaimed. "Oh! Have you two smooched yet?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

My face erupted in a blush. "That's confidential information pervert!" Meliodas smirk grew even bigger. "You totally have!!"

"Ughhh!! Meliodass!!!"


Sorry if this chapter seems a lit rushed, it's like 11:45 p.m where I am and I'm tiredddd😅😂

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