Chapter 8

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"Huh?!" I exclaimed. I pointed towards myself. "What? You want me to travel to Danofor with you?" I repeated in utter shock. Meliodas nodded with his usual smile. "Yup! Besides, if you stay with me, we'll be sure to find an answer to your problem!" He exclaimed.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden to you, but then again I'm sure I'd be doing Liz a favor by being on perverted Meliodas check," I spoke sarcastically. Liz chuckled, rubbing her neck.

"You wouldn't be a burden. Besides, the children were saying that they'd love to visit Danofor," she clapped her hands together. Meliodas gave me a thumbs up and grabbed my wrist. "Even so! You're coming with us no matter what!"

I packed a few of my things while Meliodas and Liz gathered their own. I led the way back to the village. Once again, the group of children greeted us. "Hey! Look! They're back!" Mika exclaimed, immediately running over and hugging Meliodas.

"Mika, you sure did take quite a liking to Meliodas, didn't you?" I chuckled. Liz waved at the children and walked over to them. "Say? I know you all have never been to Danofor. Y/N will be coming with us and we were wondering if you all would like to come along?"

The children all immediately smiled. "Yeah!" "Really?!" Yayy!" They all seemed to smile. Mika looked up at Meliodas with stars in her eyes. "Really? You guys mean it? You'll take us all to Danofor?" The little girl was in disbelief.

Ace walked over to Meliodas and smiled. "Thank you, Sir Meliodas. All of the children are thrilled. You know, I wasn't sure about you, but I guess you're okay. Even if you are short-" he snickered quietly. Meliodas laughed and smiled. "Thanks kid!"


After many days of travelling, Danofor was finally in sight. "Woahh," the children all gasped. We brought the five children along. Mika, the eight year old girl and Ace, her sixteen year old brother. The other three were triplets. Knox was nine. Azure was six and Zander was five.

We all walked through the town. The triplets were having the time off their lives running through the streets. Meliodas was kind enough to carry Mika on his shoulders. Ace was practically in tears, saying that, the smell of delicious food was in the air.

"Squawk! Got anything shiny?" A bird flew in between Liz and Meliodas. "Yo! Wandall!" Liz chuckled and glanced down at me and Meliodas. "You all can stay at me and Meliodas' place. After all, you were nice enough to let Meliodas and I stay in yours," she smiled. It almost hurt to see her smile after knowing about her curse, but she was happy, and that's all that matters.

"That would be lovely. Thank you Liz, Meliodas!" I exclaimed. We let the triplets run around until they ran out of energy. Ace carried Zander on his shoulders and I carried Knox and Azure.

Liz opened the door and began to make dinner while Meliodas helped me get the children set up. The triplets were so tired out that they fell asleep pretty easily. Mika ran over to Liz and stood on her tiptoes to see what she was making.

Ace took Mika in his arms so that she could see the stove better without accidentally burning herself. "It smells amazing, Liz! Thank you for making dinner. I can help clean up the house whenever. Knowing my sister and the triplets, they might make a mess during our stay," he chuckled, setting Mika back down.

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