Chapter 44

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Author P.O.V

Six months total passed and news of King and Diane's wedding came by. Knox and Mika left to go celebrate their wedding with them.

Zeldris unlocked and opened the window of Y/N'S room, allowing great light to sneak into the room. Small gloxinia petals blew into the room. Zeldris laughed softly. "Gloxinia, you old fairy," Zeldris smiled sadly.

Gelda had gone out for a walk that morning near the waterfall
behind the small town. Zeldris walked into the main room of the small house. All was calm until the door burst open.

Gelda, Meliodas, and Elizabeth stood in the doorway. "The Demon Realm is in trouble," was all Gelda had to say.

Not much longer, the trio had planned to travel to the Demon Realm to help them, after all, he was the future king. Zeldris returned to Y/N's room. He looked out the window with a far away gaze. "Gloxinia, watch over her while I'm away,"

Gelda accompanied Zeldris throughout the Demon Realm, giving him all sorts of relationship tips of all sorts. He even ran into Meliodas and Elizabeth as they were kissing and got embarrassed as heck.

They defeated the Second Fairy King and the Giant Blacksmith. It was then that they realized the Grand Deity was the cause of it all. Meliodas and Zeldris worked together to defeat the Grand Deity.

Mika, Knox, Zeldris, and Gelda all returned and found Y/N right where they left her, gloxinia petals spread all around the room.

1.5 years later

A large amount of time had passed and many marriages took place during that time. Of course there were,  Elizabeth and Meliodas. Ban and Elaine. Even, Knox and Mika. Zander and Lilith were currently engaged.

Knox and Mika even had a small child. Right after King and Diane's wedding, Knox made his move and asked Mika to marry him. They had a child almost immediately after.

Tsubaki was the name of their little girl and she was around one year.

Everything seemed well, except for the fact that Y/N was still in a coma even after all this time.

Outside of Y/N's small hut was Mika, Knox, and Tsubaki. A small flower field grew outside of the hut.

Gelda had returned to the Demon Realm a couple weeks before. Zeldris currently was out taking a walk, thinking about everything.

But for some reason....he felt drawn to the forest today.....especially...the waterfall....



My eyes slowly opened to reveal shining E/C orbs. I slowly sat up, a F/C blanket slowly falling off of my torso. The window to the left of my bed was open, allowing cool winds to blow.

I tried to stand up, but my legs almost fell out from under me. "Gah!" I cried as I fell on the hard tile. I puffed out my cheeks. "Oww," I complained.

I suddenly saw a Gloxinia petal blow in the wind outside the window. I wanted to explore- so why not! I used the hilt of my bed to steady myself as I stood up. I crawled out of the window, falling straight onto the grass below.

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