Small update

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Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while. I started school again on Wensday!

Also, I really just want to tell you guys how much I appreciate your comments. I love reading your guys' reactions. I really appreciate all of you guys saying you love the book. I love you guys to the moon and back! I feel so connected to you guys and frankly, I feel like you guys are my second family.

I'll try to post soon, but my depression has just started going wonky again. I keep crying for no reason and today at school was just- let's just say that I finally got a class with my crush. That was good and then I had him the next class with him as well.

As soon as my teacher said he was sitting next to me, I could hear his hands slam on the table and him start  whispering to the person beside him. And I know that it was about me because I heard my name.

That just does wonders for my self confidence😔*note my sarcasm*

It just really bugs me since I met him back in kindergarten and he was the second person that ever became my friend. And all I want is to not loose him, but that just hurt me. I'm just so sick and tired of people leaving my life.

Quite frankly, all I want is to be his friend because when I was close to killing myself- he called out to me one day and said goodbye as he saw me when we were walking home. He was my ray of hope. Someone knew my name and recognized me.

He doesn't have a phone, so I had no way to contact him. I'd tried talking to him and I invited him to things, but he was always so busy. Honestly, I'm just upset with him.

He was one of the reasons that I pushed through my suicidal thoughts. He was someone that I aspired to be. He always had a smile on his face and no matter how many times he got in trouble, he never stopped being himself.

I really wanted to just walk up to him and say that if he was going to start whispering about me behind my back as soon as he figures out he's sitting next to me, then he can say it straight to my face. If he hates me, say it to my face. If you never want to talk to me again, say it to my face. Think I'm annoying- just say it to my face!

I'm just done with having people talk about me behind my back. This is why I have trust issues. It doesn't help that I sit alone at lunch everyday. I just don't want to feel alone anymore! I want to just scream out loud and cry all day.

Anyways! If you made it this far, thank you. I wish that I could give you all a hug. I'll try to write as soon as I can. I'm Zeldris deprived!!!

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