Small Update:D

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Hello loveliesss!!! I'm so sorry that I've been gone for so long🥺🥺

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm not dead XD I'm still alive!!

I started school again a couple weeks ago. That's why I haven't been able to get any new chapters in. I also got my very first request! Once they get back to me with some more details I'll be posting it here^^  (it's unrelated to the story and a Sariel x human!reader!!><)

Also! If you all had previously read my last small update chapter I had explained that I was having some issues with a boy that I heard taking about me behind my back and stuff.

So I told this all to a new friend of mine and she told me that I had to talk to him soon or all of my feelings were going to bubble up and overflow. They did just that yesterday in my English class.....

I was ranting about it all lunch and citizenship (like a 20 minute class on how to be good people basically XD). My hands were shaky and I just couldn't focus. My friend was in my English class so I go up to her and tell her I'm freaking out.

My English teacher walks up to us and asks if everythings okay. I'm really close with this teachers family so I thought of him as family which is why I went ahead and said 'no, I feel light headed and I'm having a mental crisis'

He talks to me outside of class and he was very nice about it (my crush/ the boy was in this class so he would've seen me go into the hallway talking to my teacher-)

I did tell my teacher about my depression and suicidal thoughts that I had been struggling with since my family has been going through a lot lately. I had a family member pass away a month ago and right after my mother was diagnosed with Lympgnoid Cancer, but its easily treatable and her surgery is in two weeks!

And yes- I did start crying as I spoke to my teacher. I have to trust people a lot in order to let myself cry in front of them so it was kinda weird for me😅

After that I was all good!

But then it happened......

I was walking home and I hear a scooter behind me so I turn around and see him- (I'll just start calling him E to make it easier-) E smiles and waves and says sup so I reply saying that I've actually been meaning to talk to him lately.

As we were both talking my teachers son that I'm close with sees the two of us talking and he's aware that I like him. It turns out, that E doesn't actually hate me.

I told them all about my talk with my teacher; so they now know about my suicidal thoughts. E speaks in a really conerned voice and asked how long ago I was thinking about killing myself how- (but it was very minor and more of me thinking that maybe things would be better if I was gone-)

My teachers son leaves and then his sister comes and starts talking to us. We talk for a while before she leaves us to speak.

I let it slip that I liked him in 5th grade and he was all like 'why didn't you tell me?!' Course, I'm all flustered and saying I don't know.

At that same time period, my friends thought that he liked me at that time. When I mention that, he gives me a guilty face. Then I go like 'waittt....d-did you-..." I couldn't even finish the sentence. But he slowly nodded and went 'yeah'

He liked me all of 5th grade and 6th grade until he left the school around Christmas. THAT WAS THE SAME TIME PERIOD THAT I LIKED HIM-

All in all, it went really well!

Except that he has a girlfriend right now- but if they're happy then I'm happy 😊

Also, I would like to thank you all for your support on this book and even my last small update. All of your supportive comments really helped me. And there's no need to worry about me, I'm in a good place and I won't let anything bring me down!!😄

I love you fruit pack!! I'll see y'all in the next chapter soon!!


*majestic echo voice because I feel like itt*

Until we meet againnn loveliess

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