Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes to glance at the bright blue sky once again. A chill went down my spin. It felt as if something was coming- no...

I gently grasped Zeldris's shoulders and shook him gently. "Hey, Zeldris. Wake up," I spoke softly. His dark eyes slowly opened. "What is it?" He mumbled. He sat up as he tried to adjust to the light.

"Something feels off. It feels like something's coming. Call me crazy, but something just doesn't feel right,"  I explained in a hushed voice. Zeldris nodded and stood up on his feet. "I agree. It appears that we will have to be on our guard," he replied.


The day passed by slowly. The sick feeling of dread never dulled. I sat utop Drole's shoulder, swinging my feet back and forth while I hummed a soft tune.

I closed my eyes as the breeze ruffled through my hair. At the same time, a powerful magical aura filled the air. I opened my eyes and looked towards the once blue sky that was now filled with purples and blacks of all sorts.

As quick as it appeared, it vanished. The sky returned to its baby blue as if nothing ever happened. "Zeldris," I called out to him. I saw his tiny figure glance up at where I sat on Drole's shoulder. I smirked while I looked up towards the sky. "That bad feeling of mine......that blast felt the same. Its almost here!" I giggled, throwing my arms put towards the sky.

As if on cue, a small figure stood at the bottom of the hill. "Sup!" The blonde exclaimed. I looked down at the Ten Commandments. They all appeared to be shocked. "Meliodas," Zeldris growled.

A large crash echoed. Galand jumped in front of Meliodas, crushing the ground underneath him. "No one lays a hand on him. This is the prey I failed to kill," the commandment of truth leaned closer to Meliodas. "I'll make sure he dies this time-" as soon as Galand finished, he was pushed back, a large dent in his helmet. Meliodas had punched him. Hard, at that.

Meliodas didn't stop there and pushed his head into the ground which caused further damage to the rock underneath. While the fight pressed on, I turned to Drole. "I assume that this is the Meliodas~" a michivous smirk crawled onto my face. "I see why he's a threat!" I giggled, swinging my legs back and forth. "This truly is the power of one of the Sins that I've heard so much about!"

Within a second, Galand was bleeding out of multiple wounds across his body. "Did you see that?" Gloxinia mumbled to Melascula. "What's with all the angry faces?" Meliodas happily asked. His face was so unfazed and cheerful. It truly surprised me.

"I just wanted to see if we could talk a little," He smiled. "There is nothing to talk about. Just know that you are hated, we will take our revenge on you and the races that wronged us," Zeldris spat coldly.

"How cold, Zeldris. We are brothers, aren't we?" He smirked. "If you guys plan on continuing where you started 3000 years ago, then the Seven Deadly Sins and I will do whatever we can to stop you," Meliodas proclaimed with a smile. His cheerfulness never faded.

"I told you. There is nothing to talk about," Zeldris's eyes widened slightly when Meliodas replied.

"Oh, this isn't a talk. This is a warning."

I unleashed my wings and flew off Drole's shoulder. "How intriguing," I muttered. "You claim that this is a warning, yet your cheerfulness hasn't faltered at all!"


¤¤《Anyways.....I killed it bravely...where's my reward xD I'll get back to the story now-😅》¤¤

Meliodas looked up at me and smiled. "Yo Y/N! It looks like you're doing well!" He smiled. "Your strength is just as great as the stories say, Dragon Sin of Wrath, Meliodas," I smiled at him. "But how do you know me?" I asked.

"You hit your head and lost some of your memories.....but I know someone that can return those for you! You're actually a very close friend of the sins," Meliodas explained. "You have to believe me when I say that the Ten Commandments are not on your side," His cheerful expression suddenly turned very serious. He held out his hand.

"Everyone's worried about you. Let's go back, okay?" I nodded and took his hand with a smile that hid all ill intentions. I could feel the Commandments staring holes into my soul from behind. "Y/N....." Zeldris muttered out my name softly.

"Alright! Just hold on tight and we'll be back in a second!" Meliodas cheered. I put a big smile on my face and nodded. "You do seem really familiar. Will your friend really return my memories to me?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course, if he refuses, I'll just make him!" Meliodas winked. When Meliodas was distracted, I started to form a light spear behind him. When he stopped speaking, I let my smirk show. The demon marks crawled down my shoulder and tainted a small portion of my left wing black.

"Dragon Sin, did I mention that you're also known for being a fool," I sweetly smiled. When he was confused I let go of his hand and sent the spear through his chest.

I laughed loudly as I flew up and smiled. Meliodas pulled the spear from his chest and glared in my direction. However, it didn't feel like he was glaring at me, rather, someone behind me.

"Zeldris!" Meliodas growled. I sighed and tapped his forehead. "Don't blame Zeldris. You just don't understand," I smirked, flying next to Gloxinia and Drole.

"Did you think that I was going to betray the two kings that I've known my whole life for a traitorous prince that tricked the other sins and Lady Elizabeth! I know that my memories are foggy, but I'll get them own way," I smirked.

Meliodas's figure started to become transparent, but I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I don't know what lies you made me believe before, but now, you are my enemy," I looked down at him with a dark expression.

Not much longer, he dissapeared. "Your brothers quite fun!" I giggled to Zeldris. His dark expression turned to one of relief. I snickered quietly and decided to mess with him. I hugged him and held my forehead to his.

"Awwww, is little Zel worried that I was going to betray him for his brother?" I teased. My chuckles were cut off when he pulled me into a hug. "Don't do that again......I don't want to loose you," he mumbled into the crook of my neck. His voice was shaking.

It made me wonder. Just what had tbe two of us been through? Zeldris always seemed to cold, but with me, he never seemed to want to let go. It was as if......

....Zeldria was afraid....


Yes! I feel evilllll *echo echo echo*

I'm excited for the next chapters! I'm just gonna give a little teaser because I can-

"Come back to us, Y/N!"

"Please......just remember..."


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