The Idiot's Lantern

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Ali gets to play detective, Rose wants to slap Mr. Connolly, and Ali also shows off her driving skills . . . good or bad. ;) And sneak peek for Series 2 of the next OC!

Enjoy "The Idiot's Lantern!" And I hope you guys like the little screenshot. ;)


The Alchemist stepped out of the TARDIS, putting on her pair of black sunglasses as she looked around with a smile. For once, she was really looking forward to dressing up on an adventure. The Doctor had said he was taking them to the 1950s this time around, and Rose had begged her to dress up this time, and who was she to refuse? She'd found a black knee-length dress with white polka dots and a white belt, her sonic blaster holstered to her thigh, wearing knee-high heeled white boots, her black hair held back by a headband. She took a look around outside before smiling and walking back in. "Take a look, Rose," she smiled, taking her sunglasses off and going further in.

Rose stepped outside as well, wearing a full pink dress with a poodle on the skirt, a denim jacket, and pink high heels, her hair in a fancy updo. She looked around before frowning. "I thought we'd be going to the Vegas era," she called into the TARDIS. "Y'know, the white flares, and the, grr . . . . " She smirked. "Chest hair."

The Doctor frowned, poking his head out of the TARDIS, his hair for once gelled down so it wasn't spiking up everywhere. "You are kidding, aren't you?" he asked incredulously. "You want to see Elvis, you go for the late fifties, the time before burgers when they called him the Pelvis and he still had a waist."

"What's more," the Alchemist called distantly, and the Doctor quickly jumped out of the way, and Rose burst out laughing as the Alchemist rode out on a scooter before she expertly stopped it and smirked, putting her shades on. "You see him in style!"

The Doctor rode out a few moments later on a similar scooter. "You going our way, doll?" the Doctor asked in a mock American accent.

Rose smirked. "Is there any other way to go, daddy-o?" she countered, slipping her pink shades on and sauntering over, the Alchemist giggling as she took a crash helmet. "Straight from the fridge, man!"

"Nice!" the Alchemist complimented. "You speak the lingo!"

"Oh, well, me, mum, Cliff Richard movies every Bank Holiday Monday," Rose shrugged modestly, getting on behind the Doctor.

"Ah, Cliff," the Doctor smiled, heading off with the Alchemist riding beside them. "I knew your mother'd be a Cliff fan."

"Where we off to?" Rose asked.

"Ed Sullivan TV Studios," he answered. "Elvis did Hound Dog on one of the shows. There were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it."

"And that'll be TV studios in, what, New York?"

The Alchemist paused at the end of the street, looking down and back before bursting out laughing. "It should be!"

The Doctor pulled up next to her, and he blinked, looking at a red London bus as it drove by, Union Flags strung between houses. "Ha!" Rose laughed. "Digging that New York vibe!"

"Well, this could still be New York," the Doctor sputtered. "I mean, this looks very New York to me. Sort of Londony New York, mind."

"This is why I should drive," the Alchemist stage whispered to Rose.

Rose giggled, especially when the Doctor pouted, but the Alchemist just kissed his cheek, making him smile. "What are all the flags for?" she asked.

"We could ask him," the Alchemist pointed out, nodding at the man unloading a TV from the back of a van.

"Good idea," the Doctor nodded, the three of them leaving the two scooters behind and walking over.

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