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All right, guys. Ready for the finale? How are the Doctor and Alice going to react when Rose is gone?

Enjoy "Doomsday!"


"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Rose shook her head. "Daleks!" she shouted, making them halt and turn to her. Rose's gaze flicked to the Alchemist, but she nodded silently and turned her back, working with her blaster on her wristwatch. "You're called the Daleks," Rose continued, turning back around. "I know your name. Think about it. How can I know that? A human who knows about the Daleks . . . and the Time War. If you want to know how, then keep us alive. That's all I'm asking. Me, and my friends."

"Yeah, Daleks," Mickey nodded, remembering the Alchemist telling him about them. "Time War. Me, too."

"Yeah," Rajesh nodded. "And me."

"You will be necessary," the black Dalek said as the Alchemist turned back around. Its eyestalk gazed at her for a moment before it turned around, not seeming to register her. "Report. What is the status of the Genesis Ark?"

"Status, hibernation," one of the other Daleks answered as a Dalek-shaped contraption landed behind them.

"Commence awakening. The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else."

"The Daleks," Mickey turned to the Alchemist. "You said they were all dead."

"Apparently, I was wrong," she said flatly.

"Never mind that," Rose shook her head. "How do they not know who you are?"

"Perception filter," the Alchemist answered, holding up her watch. "Hides that I'm a Time Lady. They just think I'm human."

Rose nodded. "And what the hell's a Genesis Ark?"

That, the Alchemist did not answer.


"What's down there?" Jackie asked worriedly. "She was in that room with the sphere. What's happened to Rose?"

"You think I'm not worried since Alice is down there?" the Doctor asked. "I don't know, but I'll find them. I brought you here, and I'll get you all out, you and your daughter, and my Bonded." Jackie just looked down. "Jackie, look at me. Look at me!" Jackie raised her head, eyes red. "I promise you," he vowed gently. "I give you my word."

Jackie swallowed, then nodded. "You will talk to your central world authority and order global surrender," the CyberLeader said.

"Oh, do some research!" Yvonne glared. "We haven't got a central world authority!"

"You have now," the CyberLeader said. "I will speak on all global wavelengths." The CyberLeader clamped its fist over the Cyber symbol on its chest, and its eyes glowed. "This broadcast is for humankind," it announced as the Doctor put on his 3D glasses. "Cybermen now occupy every land mass on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and color and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us."

Within moments, the Doctor saw smoke rising past the window. He took a look, and his eyes narrowed, seeing London engulfed in flames. "I ordered surrender," the CyberLeader said, something like confusion in its voice.

"They're not taking instructions," the Doctor glared. "Don't you understand? You're on every street! You're in their homes! You've got their children! Of course they're going to fight!"

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