Love and Monsters

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Yet again, the Tenth Alchemist's theme "Fantastic Voyage" by Future World Music is attached to this chapter. I feel like it sort of goes with this chapter, and it really shows who she's going to be, so I would advise listening to it. Please do, because I love it to bits. :)

Again, not entirely sure how much of this chapter will be shown - and I doubt all of it will be, so that sucks - so bear with me while I try and get all of this figured out. If any of you can read the entire author's note at the end, or can't read to a certain point, please say where it is in the comments. I hate it when not everyone can see what I've written.

In this chapter, it's where Rose and the Doctor make some . . . interesting realizations . . . and the Alchemist finds a drink she likes. :)

I would say more, but that would ruin the ending, but I think you'll like it. ;) Enjoy!


The Alchemist was running through a warehouse in London when she suddenly skidded to a stop. "Rose?" she shouted, looking around for her little sister. "Rose!"

"Doctor!" Rose suddenly shouted. "Ali! The trap!"

"Where?" the Alchemist called, running in the general direction of Rose's voice.

"Where's he gone?" the Doctor asked, from somewhere behind her. "Can you see him?"

"There he is!" Rose answered. The Alchemist headed that way when Rose paused. "Stop. No! Watch out! There!"

"Where?" the Alchemist asked in exasperation.

She was heading around the corner to find them when she heard a growling and a whimpering. She poked her head around the corner to see the Hoix they were trying to find hissing at a young blonde man. She shook her head and walked up, thanking the Doctor telepathically about giving her the pork chop she was now pulling out. "Hoixy," she clicked her tongue. "Lookie here!" The Hoix turned, sniffing at the pork chop as the Doctor looked around the corner. "Come on. Look at the lovely food. Isn't it nice? Isn't it? Yes, it is."

"Get out of here, quickly," the Doctor hissed to the man.

The Hoix was about to turn, but the Alchemist whistled encouragingly. "Come here, boy," she cooed, and the Hoix turned to her. "Yeah, who's a good Hoixy, hmm? Don't you want the pork chop?"

"I said run!" the Doctor hissed.

Rose suddenly appeared screaming from down the hall as the man tried to run. "No, Rose - !" the Alchemist tried to warn her, seeing the bucket she held in her hands.

But Rose threw the contents over the Hoix . . . which did absolutely nothing except growl louder. "Wrong one!" the Doctor groaned.

"You said blue!" Rose protested.

"I said not blue!"

The Hoix took off after Rose, and the Alchemist rolled her eyes. "Here we go," she remarked, shutting the door and taking off.

She had no idea how many times she passed by the Doctor and Rose in their Scooby Doo style chase through various doors. Eventually, though, it was Rose chasing the Hoix, the correct bucket now in her hands. She stopped in the hallway, brushing her hands off in satisfaction . . . then blinked and took a closer look at the blonde man, who still stood there gobsmacked. "Hang on . . . don't I know you?" she asked.


"Yet another victory for Team TARDIS!" the Doctor grinned as they took off in the TARDIS.

"Team TARDIS?" the Alchemist echoed, taking a drink from the coffee she'd gotten before they got inside. "We're family, aren't we? And you're calling us a team?"

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