Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

The tour continued as usual. I spent time under the radar like I had planned on doing. 

Lou took me shopping one of the days we had off to find something to wear on the beach for the maternity shoot. 

I was too excited for this photo shoot, it made me feel like a celebrity. Lou offered to do my hair accordingly, she recommended part of it braided back and the rest wavy. 

We decided on an off-white crochet dress that left my bump visable. I would wear a blue bikini under it. She even picked out something for Niall, saying it would be cute if we both wore blue and went along with the beach theme. 

I had to admit that it was a bit strange he chose the beach, since I was from New England and he was from Ireland. But it was one of the few places that we could be assured security could do their job while also having a beautiful location. 

The day of the shoot, Lou did my hair (and my makeup) and made us both look natural. I had forgotten that it was a maternity shoot and not my own superstar fashion shoot. 

I peered out the window, and my stomach dropped. 

"Niall, you do know that there are probably a mile's worth of fans outside the hotel," I said as Lou was finishing with my hair. 

"That's why we're sneaking out," he said, coming over to me. 

"Oh really," I said, smiling. "What's the plan?"

"You'll see," he said. I sighed. Most of his surprises had been backfiring lately, and I really hoped that today would be the exception. 

I was in a good mood for the first time in weeks, and I really didn't want it to be ruined. 

"You're just about done, love," Lou said, stepping away to get a better overall look at me. "You look gorgeous!"

"Thank you so much," I said, smiling. It was a rare occasion that I wore more than mascara and lip gloss.

"Can I take a picture of us, you know, for later," Lou asked. 

"Of course!" I responded. She took her phone from the table and snapped a selfie of us together. 

There was a knock on the door of the hotel room, and I automatically tensed up.

"It's Harry," I heard a familiar British voice yell from outside. Niall checked the peephole just in case, but opened the door to let him in. 

"Harry! What's up brother?" Niall said, giving him a hug. His "brother" sounded more like "brudder." I giggled at their bromance, because they had just seen each other yesterday, and acted as if it had been years. 

"What's the plan for today?" Harry asked. 

"We have a marvelous camera right here," Niall responded, searching the bed for the camera. He held it up in his hand, it was the one I got him for Christmas. 

"Wonderful," Harry said. 

"We're just going to go with the flow today," Niall said. "Every time I try to plan something, it gets screwed up, so we're done with that."

I laughed slightly at his honesty. 

"You both look wonderful," Harry said, as I walked away from the makeup chair. 

"Why thank you," I said.

"Let's head out. I know about the back stairwell, and it leads to the garage, where the car is waiting," Niall said, acquiring his sunglasses. 

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