Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

After a week of living in New York City alone, I finally had another visitor. I was sitting on the couch, reading a parenting magazine when the buzzer to my room buzzed. I didn't even know that it worked, I had never had a visitor before.

I buzzed back to signify that I was expecting a visitor, and within a few minutes, there was a knock on my door. I opened the door to see that Perrie had arrived. Our faces lit up when we saw each other. I opened the door wider and let her in.

"Hi Perrie! I've missed you so much!" I said. Once her bags were brought in, I gave her a hug.

"Oh my god, your stomach!" She said after we hugged.

"I'm growing by the day," I said, putting a hand on my stomach.

"Wow, look at the view!" Perrie said, walking towards the couch to gaze out the window.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," I said, and I sat down.

"Yes it is!" Perrie sat down across from me. "What have you been up to here?"

"I ran into Demi Lovato the other day," I said. "It was weird, the paps were attacking her so I stepped in and they went away. She was confused."

"I toured with her earlier this year!" Perrie said. "She's so nice."

"The only thing I told her was that we had a mutual friend, but I guess we have more than one," I added.

"I'm sure you will meet again." 

"I know you just got here, but do you want to walk around the city a bit? I can show you around. I don't know that much, but I am a New Yorker now," I said.

"Let's go!" She said. We took the elevator back down and out of the building. There were a few fans waiting out side. Perrie snapped some pictures, and then we walked around.

"Look over here," Perrie laughed. She pointed at a huge One Direction display in a window. My face lit up.

"Let's go and take pictures," I said with a gasp. We both ran into the store and found the display. "You first," I said, taking out my phone. 

Perrie took a Zayn wallet, hat, backpack, and T-Shirt and stood near the Zayn cardboard cutout. I laughed as I snapped numerous pictures. The funniest part was that the pictures were from the same 2011 fetus photo shoot.

"Your turn," she said. I handed my phone off to her and then took all the Niall merch I could find and held/wore it next to the fetus Niall cutout.

"These are so precious," Perrie said. I laughed as we scrolled through the pictures we just took. "I think I'm going to buy this Zayn bracelet."

"I'm going to buy the Niall one, then," I said. The bracelets were made of plastic hearts with letters that formed the word 'One Direction' and a wicked fetus picture of our boyfriend.

We took the bracelets and went to the checkout. The cashier didn't recognize either of us. 

"You're a little old to be buying One Direction merchandise," the lady said. Perrie and I just looked at each other. If only she knew.

"I don't need a bag, I'll just wear it," Perrie said. 

"Same," I added. The lady thought we were crazy. We were not ashamed to show our love for our boys.

We left the store and continued walking around. We ended up stopping at a cafe for lunch. The person who took the order for our food did recognize Perrie, and commented on her bracelet.

"I just couldn't resist!" She said. 

Once we had put in our orders, Perrie said "you look so cute! Can I please take a picture of you?"

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