Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Having some time to myself really did help. I was able to refresh my mind and think about myself.

Going to yoga classes when you're pregnant was like the thing to do. I feel like some people get pregnant just so that they could go to pregnant people yoga classes. I didn't know anybody who was pregnant who didn't go to yoga.

I researched classes in New York City, and there were plenty. I chose the one closest to me, and started going once a week. I had only gone to one class so far, and I kind of liked it.

I didn't know that many people from New York, so getting to know new people who lived nearby and were in the same position that I was was cool. Even though we were in far different positions. 

The ages of women there ranged from their mid twenties to late thirties. I was the youngest, but there were a few girls that were only a couple years older than me. 

I met a woman named Olivia, and she was having a boy too, and she was due in May. She was engaged, and told me all about her fiance. When she asked me about the father of my baby, I couldn't say anything other than I had a boyfriend.

I didn't even tell her why I couldn't tell her, and I felt bad. I didn't want her to feel like I didn't want to tell her, because I did, but things were too complicated. I did promise I would tell her someday.

She was the only person who's name I could remember. I gravitated toward her because she was the only one who looked close to my age. 

I called Perrie the second day I was back in New York, because I needed to talk to her. I told her everything that had happened at the meeting, even the realization about Jake. She was the only person I could trust with this. I could barely trust myself.

She told me she was coming to New York this weekend and we were going to go out for lunch and enjoy ourselves, and it sounded good to me. 

I picked her up from the airport on Saturday, and I was never happier to see her.

It was a huge relief to have her back with me in person instead of on a screen.

"Why do you have so many bags?" I asked her once we were in my car. She brought four big bags that were stuffed as much as possible. She was only staying for the weekend, I didn't know what she would need.

"I'm going to visit Zayn for his birthday straight from here after, so I had to bring all my makeup and other outfits for more than a few day's worth," she said. I shrugged.

"Can I carry anything?" I asked when we got to the apartment.

"No, you shouldn't be lifting anything heavy!" She swatted my hand away when I went to grab a bag.

"I can carry something, I'd hate for you to carry this all by yourself, it's going to take you twice as many trips," I insisted.

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