Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I roll over in my bed to sunlight streaming in through a partially boarded up window. I check my phone, it's 9:34 am.

I hop out of bed and put on some clothes to hear a knock at my door. It's my mom, and she helps me set up all of my stuff to make the apartment more like home.

She left at noon, and I was left hungry.

I was always hungry, but I realized that I had no food in my house, so I decided to go grocery shopping.

I didn't have my car yet, and the closest grocery store was within walking distance. The real struggle would be bringing the groceries home, so I would need to choose wisely what to bring home today.

I shut the door behind me and walked down the sidewalk. This would also be a good chance to learn my surroundings.

It was such a nice day out, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The sunlight warmed my face.

There were many apartments just like mine lining both sides of the street, property of the college, I assumed.

It was like living in a tiny village.

I put my hands in the pockets of my shorts.

There were a lot of cars lining the streets, because nobody had driveways.

You had to be an expert parallel parker to live here.

Up ahead of me was a couple in a car making out. It was daytime and they were in plain sight. It wouldn't be something I would do, but I applauded them for not caring what anybody else thought of them.

They looked like they were going to need a little more space if they planned on doing what I thought they were about to do.

The guy looked kinda like Jake from a distance, and I laughed to myself, because that would be something he would try to do.

He was always big on PDA, something I thought should be saved for privacy.

As I got closer, I noticed that the guy looked more and more like Jake. And then I realized, it was Jake.

He was making out with a girl who was a few years older than we were, but probably still in college.

I froze in my steps. My heart sunk to my stomach and all of a sudden, I felt really hot, like a pang of heat just hit me.

I didn't know if I should approach him, walk away, or just continue staring and standing there like an idiot.

I shook my head and decided to keep walking to the grocery store for food, even if I was no longer hungry.

I couldn't shake the image out of my head. My Jake, making out with an older girl. It replayed over and over again.

My lip began to quiver, and when I was a safe distance away, I started to cry.

Tears rolled down my face one by one, and some things started to made sense.

The reason he had been acting so preoccupied last night, and even for the last few months, was because he was seeing somebody else.

Those old questions were quickly replaced with new ones. But all of my questions didn't have any answers.

How long had he been seeing that girl?

Was our entire relationship a joke to him?

A year and a half.

That was how long I spent up his ass.

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