Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

"Ready to go see daddy?" I asked Owen while buckling him into his carrier. He was all smiles- he must have understood what I meant. 

I said my goodbyes to my mom the night before, all the bags were packed, and now the only thing left to do was drive to the airport.

It was always a struggle to load luggage into the car, because I couldn't leave Owen unattended. 

The flight to the West Coast felt a lot shorter than the flights I've been taking to Europe. I still sat first class, allowing me to feed Owen as he needed, but he was mostly calm for the ride. He slept most of the way, which was great because I wanted him to be happy with Niall and everybody. 

The stroller was with the luggage, so I had to carry Owen in the carrier around to the baggage claim. 

Even though the worst of it was over, sometimes I still felt like all eyes were on me. There was a certain confidence that came with carrying a baby, and I had to make sure to channel that in the right way. 

It was always tough being in California- where the cameras followed you everywhere. There were always eyes watching. It made me feel so uneasy knowing I was going to One Direction's hotel.

I collected my luggage and put Owen back in his stroller and began to roll everything over to where the car would be waiting for me.

"Somebody's excited!" I said to Owen as he made happy baby noises. 

I recognized the driver that was always waiting for me near a black car. He waved me over, his dark sunglasses reflecting the busyness of the airport. 

He took my luggage cart and began to load it in the trunk while I buckled Owen's carrier into the seat with his diaper bag. The California sun was hot on my back. 

"There we go!" I said to him. He was drooling all over his onesie. I giggled and walked around to the other side of the car to get in next to Owen. 

The ride to the hotel was short, they were staying close by as usual. 

I loved driving through different cities, because I knew that there was no other way I would get to see them. Soon enough, I wouldn't be able to leave my apartment without putting Owen in danger.

We pulled up to a towering skyscraper. It looked more like a resort than a hotel. 

As soon as I opened the door, there was a luggage cart and a worker waiting for me. 

"Good afternoon," he said. The man was wearing a floral beach shirt with a name tag on it. He looked young, like around my age. "My name is Enrique. Can I help you?"

He showed no signs of knowing who I was, which made me feel more relaxed. 

"Would you mind putting my things on the cart?" I requested. He was still smiling, like he was trying to charm me. 

"Anything for you," he replied, biting his lip and pushing his dark hair back.

Dear God, why did luggage people always have to flirt with me. At least this time I had something to fend him off.

As soon as I lifted the baby carrier out of the car, his smile faded.

Having children must be a huge turn-off. 


"I'm going to go check in, do you think you can bring this in when you're done?" I asked Enrique. 

"Of course," he responded, but he didn't look at me that time. Good. 

I thanked the driver of the car and carried Owen inside. We walked into the lobby, and his eyed were wide in amazement. Yet again, they were wide in amazement when he was looking at the ceiling of the apartment. 

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