Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

April 4th, 11:52 pm

I nodded my head in acceptance. There was nothing I could do at this point but pray that Niall would come soon.

The only people in the room now was me, Lou, my doctor, and two other nurses. 

I shut my eyes to help cope with the pain, the nurses scrambling around me, finishing to set everything up.

"You know, most people have to wait in the hospital for hours, waiting for their baby to make his or her arrival," my doctor said, putting on her gloves. "You barely got any time to experience time in the hospital."

She laughed a little while saying that. I didn't know if she was trying to lighten the mood, but I was still choking on my tears. 

She knew how excited Niall was to be a father, even after everything we've been through. I knew that she was only doing her job, but I just wanted to freeze time.

"Don't push until I tell you to," my doctor said, getting comfortable in her seat. She double checked the tray of tools to her right and I knew that she was trying to stall too.

There was a knock at the door to my room. The nurses ignored it. Normally, the nurses weren't allowed to let anybody in after the procedure began, but I wasn't going to play by the rules at a time like this.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I must have really scared the shorter nurse, because she almost fell to the floor. She opened the door, and I probably screamed. 

"Niall!" I cried out when I saw his face. I reached my hand out to him, and I think he almost fainted when he got a clear view of all the action. His eyes were as big as saucers and he lost his balance. 

I couldn't help but totally loose control of my emotions. I didn't know if I was laughing or crying, but I couldn't have been more happy. 

"Didn't need to see that," he chuckled awkwardly.

"You made it!" I said. "Get over here! Do you want to see your son?" Niall took hold of my hand, and we were both shaking uncontrollably.

Lou waved to me, and then left the room. I smiled at her. This was a moment for just Niall and I. 

There was no time for Niall and I to talk about the days experiences.

"Are you ready?" My doctor asked. She looked pretty ready herself.

I nodded, taking a deep breath to calm myself. My doctor lifted her mask over her mouth, and I could hear her say the word "push".

It felt like somebody set my lower area on fire. I gave one big push and felt something slip a little. 

My eyes were pressed shut and I couldn't see the look on Niall's face. I didn't know if I wanted to. He wasn't usually that good around this kind of stuff, but lately, he had stepped up to the plate in the best way.

I didn't even know how or what I was supposed to push, I was just pushing.

I think I shit myself, but if I did, the nurses didn't say anything.

"Give it another," my doctor said, and I did. More fire. I grasped Niall's hand even tighter. 

It was getting harder to breathe. 

People died during childbirth, didn't they? How could I be sure that I was going to survive. 

It was getting harder to push, too. I knew that people could spend hours just pushing, but Owen was ready to come out. 

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