Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

We woke up fairly early. Actually, I didn't sleep at all. I was too nervous to sleep. Niall's arms were always my safety, but I couldn't help knowing that it would be the arms that kept me safe that I would hurt.

I wanted to push him away from me because of my guilt, but that would only leave me feeling even more guilty. 

I woke up at seven, ate a banana, and then washed up. Niall followed shortly behind. I knew he was nervous too by the way that his hands were shaking around me when we were asleep. I didn't want to know what kind of dream he was having. 

I wanted to choose an outfit that hid my bump, but it was impossible to hide now. I looked over at Niall, and even him, who wore sneakers to red carpet events, wore nice clothes. 

These people were his bosses. 

I sighed and returned to my closet. I chose one of my new dresses, a long dress with a brown jacket. l put half of my hair up in a half ponytail and wore gold earrings. 

I put on a little bit of make up, but not too much, because I knew I was going to cry at some point. As I smoothed out my hair in the mirror, I saw the reflection of Niall walking in behind me. 

"Ready?" He asked. I placed both my hands on the sink and bent over. I slowly shook my head back and forth. 

Niall came closer and patted my back. 

"It's all going to be okay," Niall said. "We just need to tell them, but we have everything under control, so they can't force us to do anything."

I wanted to apologize for the thousandth time about potentially ruining his career, but it wasn't worth it, and I already knew what he would say. 

He stuck out his hand to me. I looked back up and let him escort me out of the room. 

We both got into the black car that was waiting for us, and we were silent for the entire ride. It was an uncomfortable silence, and a hard one to break. I stared out of the window, admiring at the landscape.

The ride was fairly short, but it felt so much shorter and full of dread. When we arrived, the driver checked outside for any paparazzi, and then opened the door for us. Niall grabbed my hand as I stepped down. 

I took a deep breath before my feet hit the ground, and then we walked inside. Niall was texted a room number earlier, and we scoured the hallways looking for the room.

I could hear my heart echo in the hallway as we walked. Finally, we found the room, and walked in. 

There was a long table in the room with spaced out chairs and papers and clipboards. It looked very professional, like what you would see in movies. 

Maybe they all looked like this. I had never been to a meeting room before. 

Zayn and Harry had already arrived and had taken their seats on one end. They gave us a friendly wave as we took a seat next to them. 

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