Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

"I got invited to caddy for Rory McIlroy at a championship celebrity golf thing tomorrow in Georgia, but I don't think I'll be able to get there," Niall said earlier the next morning, holding Owen as he fidgeted. 

Niall looked disappointed, but his eyes were still sparkling as he looked at Owen.

"Something like that doesn't come around everyday," I said, sitting up further in my bed, smiling slightly.

Niall was quiet, playing with Owen's tiny hands. 

"If you want to go, you should go," I said. Niall gushed about Rory McIlroy all the time, even though I never understood that much about golf. He was truly one of Niall's idols, and I knew how much he had been looking forward to caddying for him.

"I can't just leave my one day old son and my girlfriend who just gave birth," Niall said, like I was crazy. 

"We'll be right in New York waiting for you when you're done," I added. "We're all going home in a few hours and you're taking a different plane home anyway."

I took a deep breath. The words felt wrong coming out of my mouth, but I was being honest.

"I really want you to do this."

I watched Niall's eyes squint as he processed what I was saying, trying to make a decision. His lips were pursed, and he looked as adorable as Owen. 

"Think about someday when you can tell Owen that you caddied for the best golfer in the world three days after he was born," I said. 

Niall's hard-thinking lip-bite lifted into a smile. 

The kind of smile that he always tries to conceal by biting his fingernail.

"I guess I should tell him that I'll see him tonight," Niall confessed. I laughed from my happiness. "I'll try to get some rest on the plane, but I'm a tad sleep deprived." Niall gave off a small laugh too.

There were slight bags under his eyes, and probably the same was with me. I could care less.

"Do you think I can tell him?" Niall asked, switching positions with holding Owen. Owen made little noises every so often and they were so cute. "That I can tell Rory about Owen and you and the best day of my life."

 I shrugged. "As long as you trust him," I said. "We made it this far." I laughed again. Everything was funny now.

Niall nodded his head and looked at Owen with loving eyes.

Later that morning, Niall and my mom went back to the hotel and packed everything up so we were all ready to go home. I didn't trust that Niall would be able to find everything in our mess of a hotel room, so my mom could help.

I couldn't even remember how we left our room the day that I went into labor and rushed around, waiting to get to the hospital. 

It was probably a mess. It was usually a mess.

With Niall, it was always a mess. 

I couldn't remember how long I had been in the hospital for. It had all been a blur and my sleeping schedule had been so off that I had no sense of time.

It was just me and the little guy sleeping next to me.

I couldn't get over how cute he was, and the fact that I made him. 

He's only been on this earth for a few days. He's never had his heart broken, never felt alone, never felt pain.

He was just sleeping.

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