Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

The first week of shows was a success. 

I loved standing by Niall's side. He made me feel so safe, and I forgot how much I missed hanging backstage with the squad. 

I was seeing the world in a whole new way. 

During one show, Lou asked me if I could do Louis' hair because she had to take Lux to a doctor's appointment and was going to be a tad late. 

I haven't talked to Louis since the news of his baby broke, and I had to admit, I didn't even really know him that well. Niall and I were quite obviously in love, Harry and I were pretty close friends, but I didn't often make conversation with Louis one on one. 

And there was also the fact that I was still a bit rattled with him after his baby situation.

I was an awkward human being and I was a bit nervous.

I honestly didn't know why- I had no reason to be. This was basically my job. I should be comfortable. 

Lottie was in the room next door keeping an eye on Owen with Niall, and Louis walked through the doors right on time. 

"'Ello?" He said in his soft British accent. 

"Hey Louis! What's up?" I said casually. He came in for the hug. 

"I'm good, how are you, love?" He asked, taking a seat in front of the bright mirror, a goofy smile plastered on his face. 

"I am fantastic," I replied, going through the brushes, searching for the right one. There was an awkward silence as I began to style his hair, and I hated it.

After about a minute of quiet, I had to break it. "Can we just point out the elephant in the room here?" I asked. "I'm sure you know that I visited Briana a few months back." The smile faded.

"I've heard," he responded, not breaking the stare with himself in the mirror. 

"Are you excited? Nervous?" I asked him, working my way around him. If he said he was "buzzing" I was going to drop kick him in the throat.

No lie. 

"Well it's not like I was expecting it," he answered honestly. 

"You think that I was expecting Owen?" I interjected. I took a deep breath. "I'm glad you're being honest."

"It's a scary thing. I don't know what's going to happen to the band or my life..." he went on. 

"Everything will work itself out," I replied. "Keep your head up. Owen was the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Louis finally broke his stare and looked over at me as I was looking at the hair products. 

"It's different. You and Niall are in love. Brianna and I aren't," he admitted. "There's not a doubt in my mind that I'll love my son, but what if I love him so much and Brianna doesn't let me near him."

My hands froze. 

"You're having a boy?"

The gender wasn't public yet.

"We just found out." Louis nodded his head. "He's due in February."

I managed a small laugh and looked at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. "Louis, that's amazing," I added. "Who knows, maybe him and Owen will be best friends." 

"It's just so complicated. I want it to be the best thing in my life, but there's going to be a custody battle and so much other drama," Louis said as I walked back over to him. "My baby deserves so much more than that."

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