Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I stood outside of the venue that One Direction was playing tonight. It was unbelievable.

So far, everything had gone smoothly. I sat in first class on my plane ride, and a rental car was waiting for me outside when I landed.

I loaded my luggage into the car and had parked at the venue. Niall had told me to go in with the VIP people, and I looked at the people with VIP badges and assumed I was in the right place. 

There were almost 5 hours until the opening act performed and there were already a lot of people who didn't have VIP sitting outside.

I felt out of place standing by myself. Everybody else was fangirling with their best friends or even their moms. I placed a hand on my stomach and smiled. "At least I have you," I said quietly to myself. 

I was talking to a cell.


I wasn't used to the concert vibes. It was insane, everybody was bouncing-off-the-walls crazy.

During the entire airplane ride, I anticipated how I would tell Niall, but it just made me so much more nervous. I listened to One Direction's music to calm me but it just made me more anxious listening to him. 

The voice of somebody who's heart I was about to break.

A lady who worked at the venue lead us backstage in an orderly fashion. There weren't that many people, mostly radio stations and some girls who won the passes. I made an effort to look good, knowing I would be with all the people who would be judging me. 

I wore my hair up, and I wore jean shorts and a flowy tribal top with strappy sandals. I had to get the most wear out of my small tops before I grew too big.

We headed through many sets of doors, and then, finally, to the dressing rooms. The radio stations set up where they would do their pre-show interviews, and I knew I needed to find Niall before he got busy.

I looked around for any member of One Direction, because they were the only ones who would recognize me. If I asked anybody else for Niall, they would probably think I was just a crazed fan.

I navigated the hallway for a sign of his presence, and then dialed his number. But before I pressed 'call', I saw him in a chair getting is hair styled by Lou. I didn't know if I should approach him or not, because I wasn't sure if Lou would understand. 

Niall slowly got out of the chair and turned around. When he saw me, his face lit up. He approached me and spread his arms for a hug.

I hugged him so tight to try and disguise my guilt, and I knew he was the only one who could comfort me.

"I've missed you so much," he said into my ear, his grip was strong, but my arms were flimsy and awkward around his. It didn't feel right.

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