Chapter III - Hidden in Black Fur

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“You should be more careful or you could get hurt... I know from experience” says a deep voice while Akita struggled to regain consciousness. Akita’s senses are slowly reviving. First her hearing, then sight and finally the rest. Her vision is still slightly blurred. As she awakes, a searing pain in her back awakes as well.

“Ow...” Akita mumbles.

“Sorry about that, I’m still getting used to having wolf teeth.” the voice says.

Akita looks around to see who the voice belongs to and discovered that she is on a soft patch of grass by a pond so small it could be considered a puddle. A handsome wolf sits beside the pond, fur as black as a night shadow,

“Ow...” Akita repeates. struggling to prop herself on all fours.

“No, no,” the wolf sitting beside her barked. “You need your rest.”

Akita falls back down onto the patch of grass.

“Where am I?” Akita manages to say.

“You are safe now,” the wolf says, and there was a pause.

“I am Tanner.” He finally speaks.

“Akita.” The she-wolf replies. Tanner sniffs her in greeting but noticed Akita’s annoyed growl, and backs off apologetically. The wolf’s  unnatural smell makes Akita feel uncomfortable, and considering his unfamiliar face, makes her suspicious. His eyes are silver, like the moon in contrast to his night coat. Solstice turns to her and notices her staring at him.

“Sorry,” He says. “I gotta go, see you around. Stay here until you are well.”

It seems like he is afraid Akita would discover something if he didn’t leave soon. He turns around and sprints off.

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