Chapter one! I bet you...

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A/N: helloo :) just letting you know i was sick when i wrote this so there is probably alot of spelling mistakes and what not so i will edit it as soon as possible..

Picture of Andrew Garfield as Jason bailey :)


Jason's Pov!

Jason do this, jason do that, jason, jason, jason. I'm sick of it, when oscar said he hooked me up with a job two yrs ago i was wrapped, i couldn't have been more happier but now i feel like i wanna rip my hair out, he got me a job as his assistant and let me tell you he bosses me around like im some kind of slave, he gets me to do not only work related things but now he's been getting me to do things like his laundry and making him breakfast and dinner, if i say no he beats me for it so its not like i have a choice.

I just want to stay in bed and not move for the rest of my life, but unfortunatly its monday and if i'm late i'm screwed, so with the most dramatic-est sigh i can muster, i climb out of bed and begin my morning routine with a quick shower, not long after i finished putting my jacket on there was a knock at the door before it burst open revealing oscar my roommate and boss wearing a black and white suit.

"Jason i need you to go into work early" He said typing away on his iphone not even looking at me, talk about rude.

"Okay, what did you need me to do when i get there?" I asked while grabbing my wallet, phone and backpack.

"Well i have an early meeting to get to, so i wont be able to give Mr. barrett his coffee. So i need you to buy one and give it to him, he has a large skim milk late with 2 sugers and make sure it's hot, he gets very mad if he doesnt get it hot" he said then left before i could said anything.

I've never even met Mr. barrett, how am i suppose to know who to give it to? And i've never been anywhere near his office, what if i get lost? Oscar would have my neck.

Before i could over think this whole thing, i ran out the door and got into my baby and drove off towards the nearest starbucks, now i'm not much of a coffee drinker myself, in fact i hate the stuff, so it feels so strange walking in here and ordering one.

Walking up to the counter i'm met by a very attractive guy serving, talk about tall dark and hansome with out the dark, though his tan is mouth watering i wonder what he looks like with out a shirt on? The closer i got the more i noticed his eyes, there like these crazy silver colour, they have to be contacts just has to be.

"Hi, welcome to starbucks, what can i get you today" he said with a big smile looking me up and down not even trying to hide the fact that he's checking me out, well i cant really talk i was checking him out when i first walked in.

"Hey can i please have a large skim milk late with two sugars?"

"Sure, may i please grab a name for the order?"


"Great thanks that will be $4 please" i hand him the change and move to the side to wait while he serves the next person.

"Jason, large skim late, 2 sugers?" When my name is called i go back to the counter for the drink and say thank you before turning to leave.

"Wait?" The guy behind the counter grabs my attention, when i turn back to look at him he's holding a piece of paper to my face so i grab it and read.

Nice meeting you jason call me
Tobi xox

I looked up at him and blushed when he winked at me, not wanting to embarrass myself i quickly walked out and got into my car and drove to work.

A bet with Mr. CEO (COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now