Chapter 7. I'm to young to die

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Jasons POV...

"Babe come lay on the couch for me" Rick said and led me to the lounge room not far away and layed me down on the cream coloured couch.

"I will be right back okay you should be fine here on your own for a minute or two" He kissed me before leaving, i was so tired that i could not stay awake so i was out like a light when my eyes closed.

I was woken by footsteps coming towards me so i assumed it was Rick and ignored it trying to go back to sleep, i would have if it wasnt for the fact that a moment later a cloth of some sort that stunk was placed firmly on my nose and mouth startling me, i opened my eyes and saw death himself known otherwise as Oscar leaning over me, next to him i could see tobi looking towards the hallway as a look out incase anyone came. I went to push him away from me and fight him back but with his free hand he grabbed my hand without effort and held me down painfully.

My eyes started to get heavy as the awful smell invaded my nose of natural air making it imposible to stay consious, fighting it only made it harder to breath until everything went black.

"...speak to me when i'm standing so close to Jason, i might just accidently take my anger out on him" a voice that sounded so close yet so far away sounded waking me, why does my chest hurt so much? I tried to turn my head but stopped why is my head so sore? I felt so dizzy i tried to put my hand on my head but it didnt work my hands were restrained behind my back which i thought was strange.

What was the last thing that happened to me? I remember Rick taking me to lay on the couch while he went to his room.


My eyes sprung open as i remembered Oscar and tobi had woken me, Oscar put something on my face knocking me unconcious. i looked up and Oscar was standing infront of me holding a phone to his ear.

"I'll keep in touch" he said to who ever was on the phone when he saw my eyes open before hanging up.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, how'd you sleep? Uncomftable? Good" he grinned sticking his phone back in his pocket and ruffled my hair knowing full well i hated when people did that, before turning to leave me sitting here alone.

Looking at my surrounding i realized straight away where i am, i'm in the middle of my bedroom at the house i shared with Oscar. When i knew where i was i assessed my prodicement, i was in a steal seat with rope tied around my body and each leg was tied to a leg of the chair and my wrists were bound securely together behind me but my hands were free.

Oscars one and only mistake.

Granted theres no way i can twist to undo the knots of the ropes but theres one thing i can do.

Oscar may know me "personally" but he doesnt know me that well.

I put my hands down my pants and grabbed the one thing i never leave without.


I woke up to a scuffling noise to my left so i opened my eyes and looked around i was in Ricks, i mean our bed and i could hear voises coming from a distance probably Rick talking to Issac and davids. I looked at the time and it was just after 8 in the morning, I got out of bed stretching while i looked towards the cupboards where the scuffling sounds were coming from and theres only one explination.

I'm not alone in this room.

On the floor is Ricks shirt he was wearing yesterday which was the closest to me so i lent over and picked it up keeping my eyes on the cupboard doors incase "someone" were to come out.

I knew, i knew he was here i didn't have to be a mad genius to figure that out and i knew why he was here, he was going to try and kidnap me, take me away from Rick just thinking about being away from Rick hurt, i couldn't let that happen so i prepared myself.

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