Chapter 10. Family reunion!

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This chapter is dedicated to YolandaEstelaQuezada this person is amazing, keeping with me when i update chapters and liking all of them, you give me the motivation to update quicker.

Jason's POV...

We arrived at my old home walking up the front of the house it gets me a little emotional who would have thought i'd ever see this place again face to face, all the memories, the good.

And the bad.

That one day that ruined my life, I remember it like it was yesterday.


Sitting on my bed looking out the window watching the boy who lives across the street is making my heart numb, i know i'm different to everyone at my school, my friends likes to look at girls and talk about who hot they are, but when i look at a girl, i don't see the interest, but here looking at this boy i'm deffinatly feeling something, he's very attractive, light brown flawless skin wavy shoulder length hair thats blowing in the wind revealing his handsome face, his pearcing blue eyes that look at me captures my soul and its like id do anything for him and i dont even know him.

And this lips.

Of my goodness there always so plump and moist i've always dreamt about his lips all over me making me squirm with anticipation wanting them to be wrapped around my growning hard member but when ever he gets close to it i wake up panting and sweating like crazy, i don't know why he does this to my body, everything about him makes me feel alive.

He doesn't even know who i am, we've never talked before but he has caught me many times staring at him.

I don't know what to do about these feeling because for one he's 17 and im almost 12, secondly no one else knows about this, not even my parents.

I've been going crazy wanting to tell them, to ask for help but i never know what their gonna say, Will they still love me unconditionally or Will they hate me?

It was like the boy could feel me watching him because he suddenly stopped playing with his basketball and looked my way, when he saw me looking at him again he smirked and winked at me then went back to shooting hoops like that moment didn't just happen.

I pulled away from the window blushing, he winked at me, god i've never felt like this before except at night when i dream about him he's stiring things down below that i didn't think someone my age could go through yet.

I wish there was someone i could talk to about this help me understand what im feeling for a man.

I shook the thought of him on me devouring my small body, out of my head for a minute when i heard my mother calling me down for dinner.

When we were all sitting at the table mum and dad were talking about work and i just sat there staring at my food not feeling the least bit hungry.

"Honey, is everything alright? You haven't even touched your food" Mums voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Um i don't know, i guess im just not hungry right now, actually theres something i want to tell the both of you but i'm afraid you might hate me for it" i said deciding it's now or never.

"You didn't fail at school did you?" Dad asked with a raised brow, i swear thats all dad ever talks about with me is school, like come on i'm your son, teach me manly things like how to shave (though i dont need to yet) or how to fish or play sports.

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