Chapter 2 you're you're? No!

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Rick's POV

"Jason? Is that you?" We both looked over and Oscar was walking over to us looking pissed, when he got here he grabbed hold of Jasons arm from the look on Jason face i'd say hard, he went from in pain to looking absolutly scared for his life.

"What in gods name are you doing here you can't afford to eat at a place like this, and how dare you show you're face when you humiliated me with Mr Barrett this morning then you humiliate me again by wearing that to a place like this, get up you're going home"

Jason started tearing up and that's when i lost it, i cleared my throat getting his attention, when he looked at me the blood drained from his face and he let go of Jason. Oscar stood up straight and looked away while talking.

"M, Mr, sir i'm so sorry what are you doing here?"

"I'm having lunch with my friend, who you have upset, i don't know where this attitude of yours came from but we will talk about this later in my office now, leave" i snapped, he looked like he was going to cry himself but he nodded and pritty much ran out of the resturant.

I looked back at Jason who was holding his arm where Oscar grabbed at but it was the way he was looking at me that i felt a tug in my heart. I stood up and put my hand out for him to take but he just flinched back scared i might hurt him.

"I'm not going to hurt you i'm going to take you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up" he looked up at me in the eye searching to see if i was lying so i smiled down at him for reasurance, he smiled up at me and put his hand in mine standing up.

When we got to the bathroom i let go of his hand and grabbed some paper towel and wet it under the tap.

"Here wipe you're face down, i'll be at our table, i need to make a quick phone call, then we can eat" he nodded his head and looked himself in the mirror and looked kind of ashamed when he saw how he looked.

I wanted to tell him not to be ashamed of himself but thought i should leave him be for now so i walked out and made my way back to my chair, i was pissed, no i was behond pissed, who the hell does he think he is hurting Jason like he owned him, like he was an object and not a person.

I pulled out my phone and called my PA Sinthia who picked up on the second ring.

"Hello Mr. Barrett, what can i do for you?" She only ever calls me that when she's around other people to sound professional but she has become like a little sister to me since she's been my personal assistant for 8 years.

"Hello Sinthia, am i free at any point for today?"

"Oh yes sir, you have a meeting at one with the council members then after that you're free for about an hour and a half"

"Perfect i need you to set up a meeting with Oscar Robertson, and also have davids and patterson be at my office before Oscar gets there"

"Yes sir is that all?"

"Yes thank you bye" as soon as i hung up i saw Jason from the corner of my eye walking out of the bathroom walking towards me.

I don't know why i havent told Jason who i am yet, i guess it feels nice not having him cower away from me, to have him speak his mind to me and look me right in the eye is kind of refreshing, i know i have to tell him sooner or later because he would find out some how and if it's not from me, i have a feeling he wont be very happy with me and for some reason that makes me quite upset.

"Hey our food has arrived i hope you like sea food" i said watching him sit back down looking at his food like its alive or something.

"I've never had sea food before, except for the classic fish and chips"

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