Chapter 3 where is he?

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Days, its been days since ive seen him he hasent shown up for work since monday and its driving me crazy its now friday and he still hasnt shown. i went to his house but he wasnt home.

Where is he? I'm really starting to get worried, maybe i should try calling him again. i pull my phone out of my jacket and call his number.

"Ring ring ring, hi the person you have called is not availible, please try again soon" the voice massage came up making me grawl in irritation.

"Goodmorning sweety" mums voice cherped while walking in the door of my office.

"Hi mum" i mumbled not in the mood for people right now.

"Whats the matter Rickie?" Mum asked coming on my side of the desk and putting her palm on my forehead to check for a temperature.

"Im not sick mum, i'm just stressed about somethimg"

"Well whats on you're mind baby?"

"Its been days" i says suddenly slaming my fist on the desk making mum jump slightly.

"Where is he mum? Why did he run away? I was there for him when no one else was so why isnt he here?" I said laying my head on the table wanting to just go to sleep.

"Who honey?" Mum asked rubbing my back.

"Jason, i met him the other day when you kicked me out of my office to go and mingle, he bumped into me and he didnt even know who i was so we started talking and he wasnt scared of me at all it was so nice, then i took him out to lunch at the Rosètta and we pritty much hit it off but on the way back i had to tell him why i was and when i did he ran, where is he mum, i cant stand it" i said not lifting my head from the table.

"I'm sorry Rick this is all my fault if i hadnt got you to go out and mingle you would be in so much pain"

"No mum im glad i went out, and met him, the pain lets me know he's real" i cleared my throat and looked at her eager to change the subject.

"So mother what may i do for you today?" I looked at me for a second then realizeation hit her as to why she was here in the first place.

"Ah yes i came to let you know tomorrow you're father will be back from his buisness trip so we are having a family dinner tomorrow night at 7 so make sure you're there, you're brother and sister miss you so make sure to get them both something to apologize for not coming over more often" she said walking back around the desk and giving me a look.

"Sorry mum i've just been busy i promise i'll be there"

"Good, well i will see you tomorrow i have a lot of planning to do, love you sweety" she blow a kiss as she was walking out the door. I caught it and smack my cheeck for extra effect which got a laugh from her before she was about to leave before patterson walks in the door looking like he ran a marathon.

"Oh im so sorry Mrs Barrett mayam" he breathed out to mum who rolled her eyes most probably for calling her by her last name, she hates it.

"Honey, how many times to we have to go threw this its Mary, and why are you puffing so much?"

"What? Oh yeah sir i found him" he said looking at me, i stood up alert getting ready to leave when he tells me where.


"Wow wow wow, Rick sit down, now" mum said in a final tone so i sat down and looked at her.

"Alright, patterson explain please" she said turning to him, he may be much more bigger then she is and he use to be in the military but he has always been scared of her.

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