Chapter 12. Hide away places and not so pleasant torture!

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Im sorry its taken a while to put a new chapter up but ive gotten back into this book thankfully, unfortunatly there is only one chapter after this one maybe two...


Please note there will be torture in this chapter so if you don't like it i'm so sorry.

Don't forget to like and comment please, i really want to know if people like or dislike my work.

Oscar's POV... (Whaaat? Oscar's pov shall be interesting)

I think it's safe to say i'm offically pissed, no, pissed is an understatment, how the hell did they find where i hid that little shit's parent's, i was so careful not to show anything signifigant in the videos so what the hell gives?

Not this time though, leaving Jasons phone here so if Rick is infact tracking it he wont find us this time, i can be sure of that

Speaking of Rick!

I've loved him since the first time i met him, god why did i have to give him Jason i didn't think he'd fall in love with him to the point that he'd ask Jason to marry him, when i saw the ring on Jasons finger i think i died a little inside, RICK IS MINE.


Mine to do with as i please, watch him scream in pain under a wip or a belt, mmm a belt, make him bleed, just thinking about all i could do to him is such a turn on, all this pent up frustrasion is really setting me on edge, maybe i can imagine Jason as Rick for a couple of hours.

The drive took a few hours but in the end it was so worth it no one would be able to find us out here in the middle of no where, this cabin in the middle of the woods belonged to my father when i was a kid until i stabbed him in the back.

Literally. No one could figure out that it was me that killed him, to them i was just the victoms scared child, i always was a good actor, you think they'd figure out that it was me when i killed my mother 6 months later but no they automatically thought the killer was after me next so i was put into protection untill i was 18 when i was old enough to live on my own.

I haven't been here for about 10 years and it looks exactly as i remember it, i hope out of the car and stretch my cramped up legs then go to unlock the boot to see Jason unconcious, i lay my fingers on his neck feeling for a pulse, when i find one i kinda feel a little disappointed but shug it off lifting him out dragging him along the ground in to the cabin.

I pull him into my fathers old room and threw him on to the bed grabbing some rope i undress him so he's completely naked but left his shoes on seeing as he always had such bad smelling feet when he sweats, then tie his hands and legs to all four posts of the bed so he's stread out.

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lip when i saw the scars across his chest that wrote Rick Barrett's bitch!

"Now what?" The annoying voice of Ricks body guards ex-wife sounded from behind me, i don't know why i let her tag along i guess i just needed a little help and maybe i can blame his soon to be death on her, yeah sounds like a plan but for now i have to pretend i'm sexually attracted to her.

"We'll baby you said you wanted to rough him up a bit so now's your chance" an evil smile spead over her face when she stood there thinking of all the things she wanted to do to him, which kind of got me interested what is this woman actually capable of?

"Does this place have any thing sharp? And any salt and maybe a lighter if you have one?" She asked, my brow rose at the strange things she wanted but went to get them any way.

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