Chapter 4. Little shows for daddy!

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Picture of David gandy as Issac Patterson

When everyone was briefed about what will be changing immediatly in the security sector, they all left leaving me alone with Jason and i wanted to ask him something that i can honestly say i'm nervous about, i don't know what i'd do if he were to say no, i put my head on his shoulder and he quickly turned over the page again that he was drawing on so i couldn't see what he was doing which made me very curious to know what he was drawing.

"Jason i would like to ask you a very serious question"

"Alright what is it?" He asked turning to look me in the eyes, but i lift him up and turned him so he was straddling me.

"I care for you very much and now that you will be spending alot of time with me and staying at my house until we find Oscar, spending all that time together i was hoping we could get closer, i know we were talking about this earlier but i wanted to make it offical, so what i'm trying to say is will you be my boyfriend?" He was suprised at first that i asked him but then it went to being confused.

"I thought i already was" he said with his head tilted to the side making him look even more cute then he is now, i started laughing.

"Alright then why don't we make this offical? Will you?"

"Yes i would love to be your boyfriend Rick" Before i could reply he smashed his lips to mine wrapping his arms around my neck deepening the kiss by trying to ask for permission into my mouth which i happily accepted, i wrapped my arms around his lower waist resting my hand on his lusious arse cheeks giving them a squeeze.

We would have continued to go much further and believe me i wanted to go so much further seeing him beg for me to be inside him but there was a knock on the door, i pulled back from the kiss to yell 'what' while Jason started kissing down my jaw to my neck and found my sweet spot making me shiver by sucking it but stopped when he heard davids voice on the other side of the door.

"Sir, i'm sorry to interupt you but i have something very important that you really need to see, it has to do with Oscar"

"Come in" I replied, he opened the door and walked up to the desk and handed me a folder before explaining.

"I got some people along with myself to go through your house like you said, and well" He paused to look at Jason with a sad look who cowered into my neck, Davids looked back at me and continued.

"Well we started with your room and found a note on your bed, it is in the folder for you to read, then in the bathroom there was another note on the bath tap, so we went through every room but he wasnt there but we found quite a few notes and we also found a DVD i watched it and well when you watch it i strongly recommend Mr Jason here doesnt watch it i don't think he would like what he see's" Davids bowed to me then waved to Jason sadly before departing.

Jason opened the folder and there were quitw a few notes and Davids has obviously attached sticky notes to them telling us where they were found, Jason picked up the first one up and started reading the note out loud for me to hear.

"This one was found on the bed... Jason you always looked so sexy when you slept, always naked for my veiwing pleasure, and heres a little secret, i use to go into your room and start playing with myself until i came, can't wait to do it again" Jason was silent for a minute after reading the note, how could that discusting man do such a thing. Jason cleared his throat before picking up the next one that said closet door and also had a bag attached.

"I hid something inside for you to remember all the good times we had together for when your alone since i know you like it rough" He opened the bag and looked inside before shutting it and opening my bottom draw that had my bin in it and chucked the bag it in.

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