Chapter 9. Old army buddies

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Pattersons POV... (Oh snap :O)

Mr Barret lent over and kissed Jason snapping him out of his thoughts and thankfully it did distract him because Jason wrapped his arms around Mr Barrett kissing him back, that was until something went flying past my face, before i could react it came crashing to their heads my eyes widened as they pulled apart and all talk seized as everyone stood up to help the men Davids and i looked over and one of the maids was standing there looking beyond pissed.

"Oh my god your a fag, you poisoned him, theres no way he would voluntarily what anything to do with you a guy he is not a fag he is my boyfriend so take your filthy hands off of him" the woman yelled at jason, i frowned in confusing, how can that be Barrett has always been gay?

"Get her out of here now" Barrett suddenly yelled and straight away without hesitationg Davids went over to the woman that was still yelling grabbing her by the elbow and dragging her out of the room with barretts Father following close behind them, Mary went over to jason and grabbed Him in a hug apologizing repeatedly, he was looking at the direction of the door they left though in shock but he had tears in his eyes, eventually he wrapped his arms around her and told her it was fine.

"I'm sorry to have to do this but is it okay if i leave i just want to be alone right now" he said to her when they pulled away.

"Of course sweety no need to apologize, i'm sure Patterson wont mind taking you home" At my name i walked around the table and stood behind Jason moving the chair out of the way for him to step out, Barrett went to step forward but Mary stopped him.

"No sweety your staying behind to help deal with this situation, Jason will be find in Patterson's care"

"What? No! where ever Jason goes i go, he is my boyfriend this isn't fair" I snapped kind of like a child, i would have laughed if he wasnt my boss.

"Rick you are giving that boy time to collect his thought, he has already had a rough day today dont make it worse for him" Mary said back, Jason wrapped his arms around me crying, so i held him tight rubbing his back.

Jason looked over at Barrett one last time before i led him out of the house without a single word being said.

I led him to the car helping him in to the passanger seat before getting into the drivers seat turning on the car and heading towards Barretts house.

"Can we not go there please?" Jasons soft my groggy voice interupted the silence.

"Of course where do you want to go?"

"My house" he said straight away.

"I don't know what if Oscar's there?"

"Don't worry he wont be he's trying to stay out of prison the last place he'd go is there again" he said, i guess thats true there would be the last place Oscar would go so it would probably be more safer there then at the Barrett residence.

"Okay then i guess your right" i said before changing direction towards Jasons house.

When we arrived Jason got out first and headed to the front door with me close behind, i handed him the keys since he didnt have and on him and he let us in.

When i was here this morning i didnt really look around the place until now and it looks very american boy next door style home. We went in to the lounge room off to the left and sat on the couch.

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