Chapter 8. Dinner with the parents

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Rick's POV...

"I'm not good enough for you..... I'm ugly" Jason whispered looking away from me.

How could he think that? He is beautiful in every way i can't believe what i'm hearing.

"Look at me jason" i said softly, when he didn't move i took hold of his chin and made him look at me, he had tears in his eyes what just broke my heart.

"Jason you listen to me, you are the most amazing, beautiful, handsome, pretty, cute even, nicest, warm hearted person i've ever met, ugly is no where near my thoughts when i think of you, i love you very much i love everything about you, please don't think that about yourself" i said softly wiping the tears away with my thumbs then grabbing the soap from the side of the bath i start massaging his whole body, when i get to his chest Jason grabs my wrist stopping me looking afraid.

"Don't be scared i will try my best not to hurt you" i said keeping my gaze locked on him, he hesitated at first before releasing me, i smiled before laying my soap covered hand on him he hissed at first then stayed silent, slowly i started moving my hand in a circular motion washing away all the dry blood.

When he was all clean i washed the soap away and kissed him on the forehead before standing up and grabbing a clean towel from the heating rack and signaled him to stand up, when he was up i wrapped the towel around him and helping him dry himself before leading him out to the bedroom and laying him into bed, i removed my shoes and socks before taking off the rest of my clothes, i hoped into bed pulling him flush against me wrapping the blanket around us.

"Sleep now baby" i whispered kissing him on his forehead before closing my eyes.

When i woke up i was woken by an amazing site jason was sitting on my his lower naked half was sitting on my lower naked half he had one hand on my chest as he was leaning over to grab something from the side table, wen he sat sitting straight up on me he was looking at my phone with a frown on his face until he happened to look at me and saw my eyes opened and locked on his, he gasped and started apologizing over and over trying to climb off me but i grabbed his hips holding him on me firmly. I started grinding my hips against his causing the both of his to moan.

"Wow well this sure is an amazing way to wake up with you naked on top of me" i said much to his embarressment he put my phone down and covered his face with his hands.

"I'm so sorry i woke up and wanted to see what the time was and your phone was so far away so i had to climb on you to be able to reach it i didnt want to wake you up im so sorry" he apologized again i just smiled at his shyness.

"Baby you don't need to apologize this was the best posistion to wake up to i couldn't be more happier" I said.

"By the way what is the time?" I asked.

"5" he replied removing his hands from his face he put one on my chest and the other on my lower belly dangerously close to our privates, looking closer i realized that Jason was growing quite hard and so was i from the position we were in how could i not be.

"Good, does this mean i get a little show before i take you to my parents house for dinner?" I asked with a raised brow in question.

Please say yes, please say yes.

He thought about it for a minute before grinding himself along my hard self.

"I guess i could give you another show.." he lent down so he was at my ear "does daddy want me to cum for him?" I moaned at the picture of his cumming infront of me again.

"Oh god yes please" i begged, he sat up climbed off me grabbing his bag full of toys, please no, don't tell me he has other things in there, i don't think my poor dick would be able to last watching him play with himself while i can't touch him.

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