Chapter Nine

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He didn't reply to my comment, but instead his eyes burned into mine as we both remained silent. The dark brown is scorching with pure outrage, burning a hole down to the pits of my soul. A shiver ran down my spine as I cowered back from his intimidating height and his deathful glare, words forming in my brain but not being able to string together a coherent sentence, let alone a word without stuttering.

'I'm not fucking asking you again Olivia, where did you run off to.' His voice was so quiet that the sense of danger rose to a point where warning bells are ringing in my mind, telling me nothing good can come from a man furious who speaks silently. Yelling is a good way to release rage, but keeping it bottled in whilst talking quietly made me mentally prepare myself for when he finally burst.

'I w-was with B-B-en,' I finally managed to stutter out as my eyes didn't leave his anger filled one. The cold wind continued the whip around me as his anger didn't seize, the cold biting at my skin as I pulled my arms in closer to my body.

A humorous laugh left his parted lips as his arms folded across his chest as he shot me down with a look. 'Do you think I'm that stupid Olivia?' He asked me rhetorically. 'I'm fucking over a thousand years old. You must believe me to be a total dimwit if you thought I wouldn't be able to find you at the drop of a hat.' My blood ran cold from his words.

'You were with your parents but that's not what I'm pissed off about. It's the fact you ran away, particularly when I told you to stay in my room and left me to go into another males hut. What is he to you?' He spoke and once again his words weren't yelled, they were spoken quietly once more yet his words dripped with venom. Instantly I felt slightly relieved. I was almost certain that he would say he knew about our plans to escape, but knowing that he didn't sparked some hope in me.

'H-he used t-to be in a hut-t with me.' I quietly stuttered, my eyes now looking down at the ground as I squirmed under his intense hateful stare. I took a deep breath to calm myself before continuing to speak softly, refusing to meet his eyes. 'When Joel saw me listening into his conversation, they took Max and I didn't know where he went or if he was alive or not.'

'That doesn't make it fucking acceptable Olivia.' He spat, looking down on me.

'Yes it does.' I snapped back at him. I was expecting more anger from talking back but instead I received a shocked look, as if Jaxon was expecting anything but for me to talk back. I shocked myself as well.

'What was that?' He spoke quietly, his voice so soft it frightened me down to the bone.

'It is a-acceptable. I-I was checking o-on a friend.' He was silent, too silent for any good to come from his next actions and I waited in silence, nervously peering up at him. But the wind stopped. It dropped off and the cold biting at my skin was replaced immediately by the sun rays slowly staring to heat up my skin. It was dead silent.

'Well don't.' he snapped back. Even though the wind he was causing stopped, I could still see the fury dance in his eyes and as his chest rapidly rose and fell from his breathing.

'Why?' My voice was a mere whisper and at this moment I finally realized how helpless I am against him, as I felt fragile under his harsh glare. My arms are still wrapped around my torso as I tried to comfort myself and my voice sounded so weak, like I was broken. I couldn't even bring myself to look into his gaze, but I just had to know that answer. Even if I am to coward to look at his face and demand it.

It was the question that had been burning on my mind from the very first time he told Joel not to hurt me. It had been on my mind every time I saw him or heard a story about him, even it was just a tiny echo in the back of my mind. Every time I went to bed at night, the question burned in my mind. The question haunted me.

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