Chapter Twenty Three

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I'm so sorry this chapter didn't come out sooner. I've had exams lately so lots of time was dedicated to studying, then I wrote the chapter and wasn't to thrilled with the ending because I used a shit load of commas and its really wordy so I apologize for both of those two things and any grammar mistakes in advance.

Remember to vote, comment and share for quicker updates, thank you all for those who have stuck around :)


Three sturdy looking men circled around Jaxon with their arms raised and huddled in close to their bodies, protecting their faces and vital spots as they watched Jaxon with complete focus in case he made a move to strike at them. Nervous expressions plastered on their faces, one man gulping saliva down his throat anxiously with a stance not as strong as the other two around him, however their determination was high as they tried to not let their nerves get the better of them. Jaxon stood strongly on the same spot in the middle of the three men, his arms mimicking theirs as his body stayed still and ready to attack, eyes skillfully watching the men anticipating their attack and waiting for an opening for a chance to put them in their place.

It was the last part of the physical attack session and now Jaxon was putting every man to the test by personally battling them himself. The known fact is that Jaxon will win, so to put into action working as a team there were three groups of three, four groups of two and four singles to fight Jaxon. It's strategically planned so the number of men in each group is decreasing with each fight against Jaxon, as Jaxon will slowly start tiring in the battles one after the other. This way its fair for every man fighting either in a team for Jaxon's strongest or singles at his weakest state because it wouldn't be fair to the poor bloke who fought Jaxon at his strongest point compares to the man who fought him in his most tired state of all fights.

Only minutes prior to the beginning of the fights, Jaxon gave them their last tips of advice on how to fight as strong and as strategic as they can.

I watched the battles intently on the opposite side of the group of other men who stood parallel to myself and Matt (who is standing beside me by Jaxon's order). Matt's arms are folded across his chest as he observed the fight intently seeing every small detail to critique to then yell out pointers to the men in the ring drawn on the dirty brown ground. It was decided in advance that Matt would be the one to give the advice to the fighting men and not Jaxon because in an actual fight, the opponent would not give pointers and the fact is Jaxon needs to see the physical strength and improvement, if any, from the men which requires his full concentration and dedication to the battle.

'These guys are screwed.' Matt said, shaking his head side to side slightly in amusement with a small smirk laced on his face as I glanced up at him. He glanced down on me, his eyes dancing in entertainment as he quickly averted his gaze back to the fights.

'Why's that?' I questioned, part of me already partly knowing the answer and the other side of me wanting to hear the reassurance that Jaxon will be physically strong and capable, while also being mentally strong enough and prepared for the next few hours of high intensity combat fighting. The last thing I wanted was for Jaxon to come out of this all bloodied and bruised with the day of the attack quickly approaching.

'If they somehow manage to out strengthen him then he's got his abilities which will render most of their abilities powerless against him. He's are so refined that he can counteract theirs.' He explained making the small weight in my chest lighten up. 'And he's a fucking gun. I've only seen him loose a fight a handful of times and he was at a major disadvantage because he was completely outnumbered.'

'So his magic doesn't work on lots of people at once?' I asked, my concern slightly building again as my mind flashed various scenarios about how the attack could pan out.

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