Chapter Twenty

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'A girl demon?' Matt asked wide eyed in shock. Jaxon nodded his head with a scowl plastered on his face, hating how he could have missed such an important detail.

'The feeling I get when I'm around demons never happened near her. I was in a room with only me and her and I didn't get the feeling.' He muttered. 'I don't fucking understand it. In my whole thousand years of living, I've never seen a female demon before apart from Lacy, but technically she,' His body tensed at the thought of Lacy and her death cutting himself of short stopping himself from bringing up difficult memories.

'Jaxon?' I asked quietly, gaining his attention. 'How even was Lacy a demon?' I questioned softly thinking of all the information I know, but it all didn't add up. 'If she's your biological sister and a female, how could she be a demon? She only looked to be thirteen so she didn't age until twenty five?' I asked him.

'She wasn't a demon.' Jaxon muttered.  'I gained lots of power by killing many people when I just started out thinking it was the only way to survive. By the end of it, killing was like a daily task I had to do in order to keep living. I did a spell when I found her years after I turned. ' His eyes got a faraway look.

'My father was murdered to in a war and my mother fell ill while grieving over her son and husband. She didn't have the strength to make it through it so Lacy was moved to a different city to stay with a relative where I stumbled upon her. She kept me sane and I knew I couldn't lose her, not again. I used my powers to try and make her like me, however it only granted her immortality from the age she was when I found her. It drained practically everything from me. I was on the verge of death for months before I recovered from the spell.'

My heart lurched in my chest from his story. 'I'm sorry,' I muttered meaning it with everything I had. He has had such a rough life it was no wonder that he turned out as cold as he is now.

'It's the past.' He dismissed the conversation.

My head snapped to the door as it flung open, a tried looking Tom sluggishly walking into the caravan, eyes half closed looking drained and famished.

'Tom,' I gasped, moving from my sitting spot on the bed to aid him to sit down. He had been gone for at least nine hours and we hadn't heard from him the whole time. Although neither Jaxon, Matt nor Jarred showed their worry, I knew they were starting to become concerned for Tom's where about.

'Here,' I muttered, walking a few steps to get a plastic cup of water for him. He greedily grabbed the cup and skulled the lot, holding it out for a refill before sculling it again.

'I don't know his name, but he disappeared into the government building as expected.' Tom finally spoke. 'I tried a listening spell, see through spell, hell I even tried walking into the building but I couldn't get in. There's something around that building that just drained me to the core. Granted it took an hour but by the time I noticed it was too late.'

'Did we learn anything new?' Jaxon asked.

'Their boss, he is powerful and he knows a way to kill our kind.' Tom spoke, silencing us all. 'They never said how, but they seem certain it will work.' Jaxon nodded his head. 'I stayed hidden around it for ages waiting from the guy to come back out but he never did. It got to a point where I felt so drained I knew I had to leave.' His voice sounded, just as described his mood, drained. The bags under his eyes were prominent and as he struggled to keep his body upright.

'Good work mate,' Jaxon said and slapped his hand on Toms back. 'Go rest up, you did good.' Tom mumbled something in response and stumbled out of the caravan leaving Jaxon, Jarred, Matt and myself.

'If Daniel can find out what spell they used to drain Tom, it won't be hard to revoke it.' Jaxon said. 'Get in contact with him and have him see if he can get the spell or an idea on what they did to pull it off. If he can do that, I can easily disable it.' His command was met by Jarred raising to his feet straight away and leaving the caravan.

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