Chapter Twenty Two

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The scene surrounding us changed as Jaxon flashed us back to the caravan, his back gracefully landing on the mattress as I kept my position on top of him, knees either side on his waist as we grinned at each other. His eyes shone with pure joy which took my breath away as he looked so perfect and human. When he said that he had started feeling again, he wasn't joking as right now was proof that his life wasn't emotionless now and I took a small piece of pride in the fact I was the person to make him feel.

One of his hands that had kept their place on my waist rose up and cupped my cheek that felt a bit flushed, his hard skin on his thumb gently stroking back and forth across my cheek. I couldn't help but lean down and kiss him, the smile wiped right off our faces as the intimacy and the emotion poured into the kiss, his soft lips moving perfectly against mine making my stomach tighten in anticipation as I forgot about the current situation and problems we are facing in our world.

His hands were placed on my hips once more, slowly trailing down the back until one of his hands was resting on my butt. My eyes shot open when his hands roughly grabbed at my arse surprising me and when my eyes shot open I was met with his ones dancing in amusement from the success of catching me off guard.

'Jaxon,' I laughed, parting my lips from him as the grin took over my face once again. A smile is plastered on his face as his eagerness made him press small kisses all over my neck, nipping and sucking at the skin making my eyes flutter shut. His hands travelled around to my front and as soon as his hands brushed my crotch, I snapped out of it and pulled away.

'Not now,' I muttered, my cheeks heating up slightly.

'Why not?' He mumbled into my skin as his head rose off of the bed so he could keep kissing me.

'Because.' I dead pointed, not wanting to have the conversation, my hands lightly pressing on his chest so he couldn't tempt me with the sweet kisses.

'Are you sensitive?' He asked now looking me dead in the eye, his hand once again brushing my crotch and he frowned when I flinched.

'No,' I muttered, cheeks heating up more. He thought for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he looked into my eyes making me squirm from the feeling of him looking into my brain and knowing what I was thinking of.

'Are you on your period?' He asked, me confirming the answer when my cheeks lit up to the brightest red I could think of.

'Jaxon,' I whined as my hands rose to cover my face, Jaxon's body rumbling below me as I wanted to kill myself from embarrassment. His hands raised to my hips as he squeezed them, a shit eating grin on his face.

'You're not going to leak on me will you?' He asked and I looked at him with my mouth open in disbelief from his joke. 'I quite like this shirt.'

'It's the same as every other fucking shirt you own. Black.' I muttered, looking up at the ceiling in attempt to hide my flushing cheeks.

'But this is one of my favorites.' He muttered with his voice turning husky, rolling us over so he is hovering above me, and looking down on me with playful eyes.

'You're an ass.' I replied boldly, looking him in the eyes as my hands rose to shove his body away from me. Surprisingly he allowed me to push him off myself, rolling onto the side of the bed watching with a smirking face as I pushed myself off the bed.

'Naww baby, I'm sorry.' He called to me, both his hands raising to catch my one softly after he pushed himself up to sitting on the end of the bed. 'Don't be mad,' he cooed as I shot him a dirty look. 'I'm sorry,' his voice turned a pitch lower as he adopted a husky tone, kisses attacking my neck as he pulled me onto his lap, straddling one thigh as my legs draped over the side of it.

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