Chapter Twenty Eight, Epilogue

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Jaxon's POV

This is all my fault.

Never in my life have I felt so lost, so confused and as distraught as right now as I held Olivia's body in my hands, the skin on her body slowly growing colder and colder, the chrism blood slowly seeping out and staining the black on her tee shirt.

'Wake up Liv, come on.' I urged her, gently shaking her body in hopes of her waking. 'Liv, please. You have to wake up.' The more I spoke, the more I pleaded, the more desperate I became for her to wake, the voice in the back of my mind taunting me with the fact that she has in fact died and the possibility of her waking is slim to none.

'I love you Liv, come back to me.' My voice cracked on her name, finally making a tear drop from my eye but at the moment I couldn't care. I don't care how weak I look at the moment. All I feel is pain. The gut wrenching, soul crushing pain that ached so much that the thought of death was welcomed just for the chance to reunite with her, if only for a second. The emotional pain that will always haunt me. The one girl who I love so fucking much was taken from me, right in front of my eyes and I was powerless to do anything to help her.

The fucker Dean played me, he knew what was going to happen he whole time. He knew how weakened I was going to be coming into the battle after disabling the barrier and how much the cold environment would weaken me, how focused I was on Liv and used it to his advantage. I let a deep breath out trying to control myself, to control my emotion but nothing seemed to work. My breathing quickened pace, my eyes watered as I tried to hold in my tears in but it failed. I watched as a clear droplet fell and landed on her face, her face so innocent and peaceful looking even though she had just suffered a horrible fate.

Shifting her slightly in my arms, my thumb rose to wipe the droplet from her cheek. I closed my eyes, not able to face seeing her like this but the blank vision was replaced of her recounting the dagger mercilessly plunging into her chest, her gasp of pain and shock and the look of desperation and terror that will haunt me forever. Her soft eyes locked on mine as she tried to stay awake, the confused look on why everything was happening to quick as she tried to decipher my words.

Now, she'd never be with me again. Ever. All thanks to the fucker Dean.


Just thinking about him had my blood boiling in rage, the anger gladly accepted in hopes to tame the emotion distraught ripping at my chest and gut. Shaking my head, I placed her short body on the ground, her thick muscular frame so different to majority of the girls today yet somehow beautiful, captivating. Her black hair cut short was down, just as it always is apart from the odd occasion, the waves frizzing slightly from the humid weather of the summer. I grew up in a time when long hair was for every girl, not any had short hair. My whole life I'd been particularly attracted to girls with long hair reaching past half way down their backs but Liv's seemed to look twice as better than everyone's whose length once had me fascinated. Her eyes lashes lay still just pressing gently on the tops of her cheeks, the tips of the strands a lighter brown compares to the dark root of them. Before her head was lay delicately on the ground, my lips pressed against her forehead, the action causing a sharp pain of devastation through me.

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