Chapter Ten

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Sorry for any grammer and/or spelling mistakes.


I couldn’t help the small smile from taking over that wouldn’t leave my lips as the cold liquid rushed past my feet, pulling all the washed up water back out to the large ocean, only for it to be replaced and dance around my feet as the next small wave washed up. I closed my eyes and tilted my face up and towards the sun as it beamed down on me, soaking up the warm rays of the sun in bliss.

For a moment I forgot about everything, absolutely everything and felt like life was a breeze. Like there was no drama back at the village caused by the man who brought me to this peace of mind I momentarily had. It felt like life is perfect and care free as I waded further into the cold water, just passing my ankles.

I removed my hands from my hair, allowing the cool wind to blow it right back in my face but I couldn’t care anymore. I let it fly wildly around my face, obstructing my vision so I kept my eyes closed as I soaked up the warm sun. A large pair of hands placed gently on my waist snapped me out of my miniature daydream as I snapped my eyes open and stared at Jaxon in surprise.

‘Stop flashing, you’re going to give me a heart attack soon.’ I muttered at him, the small smile still refusing to leave.

‘Believe it or not,’ he said with an amused smile as he turned me around so my body was facing him, peering up at his tall frame as he looked down on mine. ‘I walked.’ The smile grew at my shocked reaction.

‘I don’t believe you. You’re physically incapable.’ I teased him, looking up into his mesmerizing brown eyes as he stared right back into my eyes. His orbs were dancing with amusement and his dimples popped out, the second time I had ever seen them and they instantly reminded me on how gorgeous this man truly is, evil or not.

‘Just because I don’t, doesn’t mean I can’t.’ He stated and if it wasn’t for the breathtaking smile, his words would have sounded wise and serious. I nodded my head and glanced out at the water before returning my gaze back to Jaxon.

‘Can I go swimming?’ I asked hopefully, the deep blue water looking so tempting to dive into.

‘What if I say no?’ He questioned with a teasing smile lingering on his full lips and his tone one of joking. I was momentarily stunned at the thought of Jaxon teasing someone just for the fun of it and having harmless fun.

‘Then I’ll get depressed and not talk to you?’ It was supposed to sound threatening but with our history, if I wasn’t frightened to be talking to him, one of us was angry at the other over some reason. And if both of us were happy, it was either momentarily or because we were making out or doing something more. I couldn’t help the small blush creep over my cheeks as I thought back to the moment I lost all self-control but had an experience that was still burned into my mind filled with pure pleasure and delight.

‘Well I suppose I have to say yes then.’ He said with a defeated sigh, but the small smile still gracing his full lips instantly registered in my mind that he is still joking. I tried to turn but his hands were still gently placed on my hips with a small grip keeping me in place.

‘You’re gonna have to let me go.’ I pointed out and he grinned at me. Teeth and all making him look like your average, attractive, 25 year old male.

‘You can smile?’ My words sounded through a laugh of disbelief as I watched this man transform from one of evil seeking revenge to one of joy. A booming laugh came from him, a sound so beautiful I couldn’t help but join in with.

‘Only for you.’ He said softly, so softly that the wind almost carried it off but I just caught it, my smile faltering slightly at the serious twist this all just turned. I decided not to comment but placed my hands on top of his large ones, wrapping my fingers around them to pry his hands from me. As soon as he released them, I turned and ran into the water fully clothed. As soon as the water got to my waist, I decided to end the awkward shuffle through the water reaching my waist and not so gracefully dive shallowly into the water, becoming fully submerged under the cool water.

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