Chapter Sixteen

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I know it's been a while for an update, but this isn't edited well. I just wanted you guys to have something, I'll edit it soon (tomorrow or the day after.)

I groaned and rolled over on the bed, completely bored out of my mind as I waited from Jaxon to return. I don't know how long it had been since Jaxon had left to see this visitor, but I know it had been at least twenty minutes since he had left and I had started to grow restless from waiting. My body had long ago died down of the frustration and initial fluster from the situation Jaxon and I had to halt, and now I had run out of things to think of. I lay on my back with my legs lying flat against the mattress, my arms resting on my stomach my thumbs absent mindly rolled around one another in complete boredom.

Two more minutes, I thought to myself. Two more minutes and if Jaxon doesn't return I'll go to the camp and see what's going on. I nodded my head to myself, thinking that it was a reasonable idea I had decided on.

Slowly those two minutes ticked over and there was still no sign of Jaxon returning. Groaning once more, I pushed myself up and off the bed making my way to the caravan door. With a push, the stiff door opened and the hot weather came flooding into the cooled down space. I rushed to close the door behind me to preserve the colder temperature inside and walked through the dried up terrain towards the clearing where the rest of camp was located.

The minutes' walk passed in no time and I soon found myself entering the clearing. Men glanced at me as I passed through, some politely nodding whilst some smiled and some just looked away clearly not interested, not bothering me and I returned whatever gesture they gave me. All together there was about twenty men taking residence in the clearing with more to appear for the seize in two weeks' time. Every man I passed looked familiar yet I didn't know their names.

It didn't take long to reach the other side of camp and upon reaching it I had yet to see Jaxon anywhere. I stood still as I looked at my surroundings, wondering where he could be until I realized he's more than likely in a caravan or the tent set up with the make shift poor excuse of a kitchen (consisting of a bench, coolers, knifes, cutlery and all the food supplies).

'Matt!' I exclaimed happily as I saw the familiar figure quickly walking up ahead of me. He stopped in his tracks and looked around, eyes setting on me soon as I hurriedly walked up to him.

'Do you know where Jaxon is?' I questioned hopefully.

'Does he know where you are?' He fired the questioned right back at me, folding his arms and cocking and eyebrow at me in question.

'Nope,' I said popping the p. 'He had a visitor and left a while ago and I got bored in the caravan.' I explained when I saw him open his mouth to object to the one rule Jaxon had set for me being broken.

After a moment's hesitation he replied, 'Follow me.' I nodded my head in thanks and walked quickly behind him as his long strides that led us to a caravan only a few meters away from where we were standing. Matt glanced down on me with a hesitant look as his knuckles banged on the door in three quick movements. Immediately Jaxon's muffled voice sounded through the door and Matt took it as an okay to enter and I followed suit, slightly hesitant as I looked around.

The caravan was identical to the one myself and Jaxon occupied only just a little bit smaller in space. Sitting on the double bed however was Joel and a girl I had never seen before. Jaxon stood leaning against the bench at the complete opposite end of the caravan and Jarred and Tom sat at the small circular table just in front of the door entrance.

'Olivia?' Jaxon questioned in surprise as I stepped in through the door.

'Um, you were taking a while so,' I nervously started explaining, not liking how everyone is staring at me.

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