Chapter Twenty Seven

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I can hear the screams.

The blood curdling screams of pain, the pleading for mercy, the chocked sobs of those left half dead on the ground, I can hear it all. Even from being so far away from the government building, let alone the gates to Malara, I could hear everything like I was standing right there observing the gruesome sight. Every now and then, gun shots rang through the air sending a chill down my spine every time, the inevitable thought of did that hit Jaxon? springing to the front of my mind every damn time. I have no clue what's going on, who's winning, who's dead, who's injured, who's alive and it's slowly making me lose my mind.

A frustrated sigh left my lips and I pushed myself up from the large, flat rock I sat on before I started pacing back and forth, the dry dirt kicking up and landing on my legs as my feet scuffed back and forth along the same, repetitive path of frustration. In total, on our side of the attack had eighty three people and the government was only estimated to have fifty at the maximum. The numbers themselves gave me hope but the expected nerves made me think that they had us beat, even with a man as powerful as Jaxon on our side. I'm not even sure how long I've been sitting here for, but it had been much longer than planned, I'm sure of it. The sun had long ago risen and it is now the early hours of daylight. By the time we had left the combat ground and traveled here, the sun had started rising creating a small amount of light for us to see, yet enough darkness and shadows to keep us hidden as we attacked.

Another loud scream rang in my ears, and this time it's distinguishable as a female. The only females we knew of at the government was the two receptionists and the three female cleaners who got a job much like how Daniel did. Somehow, even though it's just a gut feeling, I knew this scream was one on an innocent woman. Even though it's early, many people would be going to work and stupidly made the decision to go in through the gates and past the government building, the main sight of the war ground. A set of men had been given the task of making sure anybody who got within 50 meters of the building, government or innocent, had to die. No chances would be taken and the people selected for the task didn't even blink at the command to kill innocent men, women and children.

The first lot of men sent in by Jaxon's command were called the decoys, however not to their knowledge. The decoys was group one, the group of men strong enough to still cause damage yet too weak to win the battle for us. They were sent in first ahead of everyone through the streets where most of them more than likely were bought straight to their deaths. Then the second group went in, the best combat fighters where they are still not the strongest, but good enough to put a severe dent in the government fighters. Then finally went in the men with the strongest abilities in attempt to wipe out any other bystanders. Tom, Matt and Jarred went with a group each, Jarred suffering the horrible fate in the decoy group even though he is strong.

Jaxon stayed with me the whole time until the strongest abilities group moved out. From where I sat now, it was a five minute walk to the gates of Malara and another two minute walk to the center at the government building. Jaxon flashed himself straight to the door where he was supposed to be covered by the abilities men and take the barrier down before they raided inside the building. Since the government top stories are the residence of Dean, he would be an easy find, it's just the fight to get to him and fighting Dean himself that would be difficult.

Before Jaxon flashed away, we stayed in silence wrapped in each other's arms not saying much at all. We only had seven minutes at the most to say goodbye and good luck until after the fight and we cherished every moment. Sweet words and touches were exchanged, I love you was said about hundred times in soft whispers. He spoke briefly on his thoughts for after the victory, traveling around the world with just the two of us after our revenge and then coming back to rule Malara our way, however we wanted. He would give me everything if I gave him endless love and I agreed whole heartedly.

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