Chapter Twenty Six

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Back out on the physical combat area, I couldn't believe the madness of every man deemed physically and mentally strong and capable enough to go into battle as they are hurriedly walking around collecting and gathering last minute supplies and instructions. Never once did I leave Jaxon's side, his hand always grasping on to something of me whether it be my hand, arm or waist making sure I didn't get swept away in the sea of people and left to find him myself. The past few days have passed by so quick that it felt like I blinked and the much anticipated yet dreaded day arose, the day of the attack.

Nothing about the past four days have felt real, just like a massive dream and I feel as though in a few hours I'll be waking up knowing the attack isn't until another one and a half weeks away. The constant dedication to training, explanations, tactics and hectic plans all leading to today took every spare minute of the past four days as we made sure we had access to enough weapons and everything we need for today.

Many fold out tables had been set up and placed on the dirty training ground, each table containing a dagger for a particular person and minor supplies for what some of their jobs needed. The three tables were for separating the men into groups, one for the strongest fighters, strongest ability control and the decoys. The still dark air is lit by torches, the fire on sticks making the space smell like burning nature however it wasn't a bad aroma and actually made it feel like a camp ground. One is being carried by Jaxon, Matt, Tom and Jarred as well as some in holders on tables and around the outskirts of the area. Although there are many torches, if you aren't standing close to one the dark night took most your vision from you making you only be able to make out the rough outlines of people and objects when it was too late. Many men have proved this theory as grunts and swear words could be heard over the instructions and clanging on objects from running into things.

Faces of many fighters appeared constantly, only leaving us alone for a few seconds at a time before someone else took their place with yet another last minute inquiry. Everyone has been trying to get Jaxon's attention for last minute plans to insure that everyone is equip and ready for the attack. The anticipation in everyone as their eager to go in and take over was a confident booster to me as I couldn't help but cling to Jaxon as another way to reassure myself that he will be okay during this.

'It'll be okay,' he murmured quietly onto my head as his lips pressed a reassuring kiss to the top of my head when the fighter left from asking a question. Finally, after about an hour and a half of the repetitive preparations it looked like everybody has finally settled into their final roles, responsibilities and gathered what they needed. I didn't reply, only looked up at him as my head lay on his shoulder as we walked towards Matt and Tom.

'Boys,' Jaxon greeted when we reached the small distance.

'Jaxon,' they both answered in union. 'Olivia.' They nodded at me as well and I gave them a tight smile, my anxiousness not allowing me to give them a genuine smile.

'All the men are ready to go out as planned.' Matt informed us. 'Everyone is in their groups and now fully equipped.'

'Just waiting for your call.' Tom finished off, his hands retreating into the pockets of his pants and he nervously jigged his leg. For once, his composed attitude towards the attack was wearing thin after he too was bombarded with questions from men for the past hour and a half, the prospect of dying finally becoming a reality for him. I felt slightly sympathetic for Tom. Although he is a strong combat fighter and his abilities are quite strong, he is no Jaxon and the possibility of him dying could actually come true. Even though he, as well as everyone else with us, teamed on the side of evil to attack the city all in the name of revenge, Tom as well as Matt and Jarred who I have become friends with over the weeks are genuinely nice people and I felt worried for their safety during the attack as well as Jaxon's and myself.

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