Chapter 15~Thanksgiving Dinner

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Austin's POV:

        Today is Thanksgiving Dinner, and my mom told me to invite Jessica over for dinner on Tuesday when I went to visit her. When I finaly told my mom I was dating someone, she asked me all these questions. Right now, I was walking across the hall and knock on Jessicas's apartment door. It was already 9 in the morning so she should be awake. I know, am asking her last minute, but I hope she can really go. When she open door, she was wearing her soccer shorts, a tank top, her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing her glasses. I smiled at her beauty and said "GoodMorning Babe." She smiled and peck my cheek. I then pout and said "You missed." She smirks and said "too early, and come on in." She walked away from the door and I walked in.

         She was sitting on the counter in the kitchen. I smiled and walked towards her. I stand between her legs and she put her arms my neck. I then say "so I have a question and it's sort of last minute." She turn her to the side and said "what do you mean?" I smiled because she is so cute when she is confused. I then said "My mom wants you to come over for dinner today?" She then says "Today? On Thanksgiving Dinner?" I nodded and then she says "Alright" I smiled and kissed her. She smiles in the kiss and kissed me back. I smirked and put my arms around her waist pulling her closer. She giggled but continue to kissed me back. We pulled away when we heard a knock on the door.

         I groan and she just giggled. I moved out of the way for she could open the door. When she open the door we saw it was Robert, Zach, and AC. I then say "What?" AC says, "Sorry to interrupt you makeout secession, but its basketball time." I sighed and said "fine." Jessica just giggled and said "It's cool you need a guy day out." Robert then says "You could come Jess?" I looked at her hoping she would say 'yes' but she said "Sorry guys, but I got homework to finish and get ready for Thanksgiving Dinner with Austin." Zach cough "nerd" and cough again. Jessica rolled her eyes and I said "Alright guys wait outside." They smirked and us and left closing the door. I looked at her and said "Dinner's at 8 so I'll pick you up at 7." She nodded and peck my lips and I instantly kissed her back, she laughed and pulled away. She says "You got boys to beat." I smiled and open the door. Once I walk out I said "see you at 7." She smiled and said "7."

Jessica's POV: 

        Once the boys left, sighed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I plug-in my iphone to my speaker and press played. I took out some eggs and cheese to make a cheese omlet. When I was done making my food, I ate it and scroll thorugh twitter. Once I was done eating it was 10:30. I got up and grabbed my backpack from my room and went back to the kitchen to start my math homework.

        It was already 2 and I already finish all my homework well most of it. I went to my room and slipped on some running shoes. I was already wearing my workout clothes well also known as my PJS but oh well. I grabbed a bottle water, my phone, earphones and my key to the apartment and walk out the door locking the door in progress. I went down the hall and down the stairs to the gym. I plugged in my earphones and press shuffle and went to the little space area to do your workout. I did 30 crunches but 6 different types of them so in total 180 crunches. Then I did 20 pushups. Finally two 1 minute planks. Once I was done with that workout, I drink half my bottle water. I check the time and it was almost 3 so I decided to do my run well on the trendmill. Once I did 10 miles on the trendmill I stopped and finish my water. I looked at the time and it was already 4 so I decided to leave the gym and go back to my room. 

        Once I enter my aparment, I went staright to the kitchen and had a granole bar. I then I went to my restroom and lock the door. I turn on the water and stripped off my clothes. I then enter the shower, did my normal shower rountine and turn off the water. I then dried myself and wrapped a towel around my hair and then wrapped another towel around my body. I walk to my walk-in closest and changed into my undergarments. I then slipped on some spandex for the dress. I took off the towel from my hair and went to my restroom. I blowdried my hair while the curler heats up. Once my hair was dry the curler was ready so I curled my hair. Once my hair was done, I walk back to my closet and slipped on the dress that I haven't wore since my Aunt's wedding. Once the dress was on nicely I walk back to the restroom and did my makeup which was natural. I put on my earrings, a necklace, and a ring. I smiled at my outfit, spray perfume and then grabbed some black heels and walk out of my restroom. I grabbed my phone from its charger and slipped it in my cluth. I walk to the livinging and slipped on the heels. Once the heels the doorbell rang, I walk to the door and saw it was all the boys. Once they saw me their jaws dropped. I laughed and said "What?" Austin then says "You looks so amazing!" I blushed and hugged him. He hugged me back and said "Are you ready." I said "Yeah I just finish." He smiled and grabbed my hand. I closed the door and lock it. We all 5 down the hall to the elevators. 


        It took about 30 minutes to arrive to Austin's mom house. We all got out of the cars and walk to the door. Robert knock on the door and we waited. It was Robert, Zach, and Alex in the front and Austin and I in the back. Once she open the door she said "Robert! Zach! Alex! You guys have grown so much." She gave them all hugs and they kissed her cheek. She then says "Oh Austin you look so handsome!" and he says "Thanks mom." and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She looks at me and smiles. She says, "Austin was right about you! You are so pretty!" I blushed, took my hand out and said "Thank you and the name is Jessica." She pushes my hand away and pulls me into a hug. I laughed and hugged her back. She then pulls away and said "My name is Michele and I don't do handshakes. Now come on in you must be hungry." I laughed and Ausitn pulls me along. 

        We all sat on the table. It was Robert, Zach, and Alex on one side and then Austin, Michele, and me on the other side. We grabbed hands and Michele says grace. After that we all grabbed some food and started eating, Zach then says "It always good to eat your food Michele." She blushes and shh him. She then looks at me and say "So Jessica, What are you planning to do after highschool." I say. "Well I applied to some schools that have my program I wanted to to do which is Athletic training." She smiles and then says "What college you want to be accepted?" I thought about it and then says "Well any is okay but I really hope University of Miami accepts me." Austin then says, "Well of course they will!" Zach says "Nerd alert." I glared at him and kick him under the table since he was across from me. He flinched and said "Sorry." 

        Dinner was finish and we just finish eating dinner. I help Michele clean the dishes. She says "You don't have to help dear." I smiled and say "no its okay, I'll help and I say you should go sit with the boys." She smiles and say "are you sure?" I laughed and said "yes Michele. I've wash a lot of dishes before and like to wash tem at times." She smiles and hugs me and went to the living room with the boys. Once I was done washing dishes and felt arms around my waist. I giggled and turn around and saw Austin. I smiled and peck his lips. He smiled and said "a little birdie told me you were here washing dishes." I laughed and said "Well the birdie was right." He chuckles and kiss my forehead and said "You are to sweet and my mom loves you." I blushed and said "nah that's just me." He laughes and said "You ready to go" I just shurgged my shoulders and he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen and all the boys stand up. He says "Alright mom we gonna go now." She smiles and nods. She hugs the boys first and then hugs me. She walks us out and say "Be careful driving back and Austin dont do anything stupid to hurt her, she's really rare to find." I blushed and we enter the car. Zach decided to drives us home. On the way there Austin plays with my hair and I slowy started to close my eyes and falling into my slumber. 

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