Chapter 24~ The Truth

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A/N: Hi guys! I am back! Sorry for the huge delay. I had major writer's block, but I finally got the perfect idea. BTW there's probably a couple more chapters till this book is over :( anyways on to the story! 

Jessica's 'POV': 

It's January 6th, it has been 5 days since the incident. The first 2 days, Austin would arrive at my door at 9 in the morning and stay till 8 at night, not eating or drinking all day. He'll just stay by my door and try talking to me. I'll just play music, ignoring him. The third day, he knock in the morning and didn't say anything, so I open the door and saw McDonald's breakfast and a card. The card had, "I know you don't want to hear my apology, but here's some breakfast see you soon." That day I had work, so i ate the breakfast, changed into my work outfit and then went to work. When my shift was over and I got back to my apartment/studio, I saw a gift with balloons. I pick it up and saw it was from Austin. I sighed a put it to the side when I got inside. The next two days the same thing happen. But I just put the gifts on the side. 

Today was different though. I woke to pillows hitting me. I hop off the couch and saw Alyssa, Sarah, and Elizabeth hitting me. Once I was up they stop. I say, "What are you guys doing here? And how the hell you get in?" Elizabeth says, "Simple. We told the apartment manager that I lost the key & I need a extra one." I rolled my eyes and said, "Wow, another lie just like our friendship. Now get out." Alyssa ran to the door and block it. She says, "We are not leaving, until you talk to us." I sigh and said, "Fiinnnee" They are smiled and said, "We also brought food." I smiled and they gave me the food. We all sat on the couches. Sarah start's off the conversation, "Look we weren't apart of Taylor's plan. We were just as shock as you are when we got upstairs to find the boys. If you dont believe me just ask what happen when we arrive up there. I slap Taylor and started yelling at her." My eyes widen and said "reallly? " All the girls nod their heads. 

Elizabeth was looking around and saw all of Austin's gifts. She says, "You haven't open them?? I nodded my head no and say, " there's no point." They all roll their eyes and said, "You guys haven't broken up yet." Sarah adds in, "You know Austin hasn't left his room, only to stop by and drop off stuff for you. He hasn't been eating a lot either." I sigh and Alyssa says, "Open them now." They all brought me the gifts. 

I open the first one and it was a simple necklace with a math symbol charm and half a puzzle piece so I'm guessing Austin has the other piece. The girls gave me the card it came with it and told me to read it out loud. It said, "Dear Jessica, I want to tell you my point of view of what happen in person, but obviously that isn't gonna happen soon. The reason why it has a math symbol charm is because it reminds me of how we first talk. When I ask you for help in math class. I also have the other piece of the puzzle. Well hope to see you soon. Sincerely, Austin Carter Mahone." I felt tears in my eyes already. Elizabeth passes me a tissue and the next gift. 

I open it and it was jar that says, '120 reason why I love you/favorite memories.' I decided to open one and it said, "I love when you punch the boys whenever they get on your nerves." I smiled and I heard the girls says, "awhhh" I laughed and then read the card that said, "Happy 3 month anniversary baby girl. You don't have to read all 120 in one day. Just whenever you need/miss me. Love you." 

Two more gifts later, we finally got the last one which I received today when I open the 3rd one. It was a small box that had a CD and a flashdrive. I read the card first that said, "It's almost a week without seeing you. And I need you to know what happen that day. Watch the flashdrive and then you could decided what to do after that. Btw, listen to the CD after if you want." I quickly grab my laptop from my desk and plug in the flashdrive. All the girls got closer so we can watch the video together. 

The video showed Austin for about 2 to 3 minutes of his explaining what happen. He looks like he hasn't showered or slept in days. The video then changes to the Austin's apartment floor when he went to get more ice. It showed everything what happen that day. Taylor did kiss Austin. Austin didn't kiss back. He push her off. There was an argument between the boys. Sarah did slap the Taylor, which was a pretty good slap. Once the video was over, I couldn't stop crying and all the girls hugged me. I say, "I'm so sorry for being mad." Elizabeth says, "It's okay sweetie. It happen. Don't worry." Alyssa say, "Wanna listen to the CD now?"  I nodded yea.

After listening to the CD, I couldn't stop crying even more. It was Austin singing and I'm pretty sure he wrote that song cause I never heard it on the radio. Sarah say, "What are you gonna do?" I say, "I don't know, to be honest. I know the truth now, but I'm scared." She hugs me and say, "Take your time Jess." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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