Chapter 4~ Secrets are out...

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Jessica 'POV' 

I woke up the next morning with no mess. No boys. No one was here. I got off my couch and stretch. I walk to my kitchen and found a note from Austin. It says, 'Dear JS, Well we were planning to stay, but AC and them didn't so we didn't as you can tell. LOL well i just wanted to say we clean up for you! Well I just wanted to leave a note incase you freakout Cx Well when you wake up, come over to our place.'  I reread the note 3 times. Are they serious about being friends? They do know am just a nerd at school that no one notices. I rolled my eyes and decided to go to the gym today. I quickly change into my workout clothes and head to the gym which is on the lobby floor. A gym at a aparment complex is life. 

Austin's 'POV' 

I woke up and saw it was 9 in the morning and the guys were awake already. I changed into some gym shorts and a muscle shirt. I walk out of my apartment, telling the guys am going to the gym and play some basketball. I headed to the gym first and I saw JS running on the trendmill like no sweat. I smirked and decided to run next to her. I started to run on the trendmill at a slow pace. I look over JS shoulder and saw she was going at a faster pace and was at 4 miles already while am barely half a mile. I groaned and went a faster pace than her. After I got to my 2 mile she stop at 8 miles and she turn off the trend mill and I looked at her shock as I ran and almost fell. JS looked at me shock and laughed a bit. She said "are you okay Austin?" I groan and said "Yea you know it was easy." I was literally sweating and tired. She laughed and said "You sure? Like you only did 2 miles in the pass 10 minutes and I did 3." I looked at her confused and she said "I saw you look over my shoulder and tried to went faster. I laughed and said "Sorry?" She rolled her eyes and said "well i gotta go and shower." I quickly said "Wait JS! Let's play a game of basketball?" She looked at me confused and said "why?" I smirked and said "Am beast at basketball and I wanna see how good you could play. So 1 on 1 battle." She smirked and said "sure." 

Right now we are at half time of the game and JS is 5 points ahead of me. I have no idea how she is that beast. Like I thought she was just didn't do any sports. But damn! She can run fast and shoot from the 3 pointer line. I dribble the ball across the court before she could get me. But she stole the ball from me, ran to the other side and made a shoot. I stop and just stood there, that's the game was over. It was 15-8. She smirked at me, toss the ball to me. She said "Never judge a book by it's cover." And with that she walk away from like no sweat. Like how was it that easy to run 8 miles and beat me at basketball like nothing. I need to find out more about her. It's something about her that wants me to talk to her more and protect her. I heard a voice behind me said "Dude you like her." I turn around and saw AC. I look at him wide eyes and said "You saw us and i said that outloud." He laughed and said "Yea you did! and I saw her beat you so bad! I could't stop laughing and i recorded the whole thing!" I glared at him and said "I don't like her. and Yea she beat me but how?" He looked at me in confused eyes and said "I wonder the same thing, but you so like her." I don't like her like that! She seem mysterious and keeping secrets from us. Like i wanna get to know her. She's not one of those girls that follow me eveywhere. There something special about her, I thought. My eyes widen and I whispered "am falling for JS. Real hard." 

Jessica 'POV'

After the game with Austin. I took the elevator up and went into my room before anyone could stop me. Austin thought i can't play basketball. Like I played basketball when soccer is off season. I can't believe I still have the moves from basktball. I laughed at myself because of Austin's reaction. I went into my room grabbed my outfit of the day and went into my restroom to take a shower. After my shower, I changed into my outfit and then blow dry my hair leaving it naturally. I got out of the restroom and saw it was 2 in the afternoon. I thought damn so bacially being in the gym and playing a game of basketball took 3 hours and a half since I woke up at 10 in the morning and I got back to my apartment at 1:30.

I thought what should do today and look in my kitchen if I needed any groceries. Which i didn't I groan and sat on my couch and thought What am i gonna do now. I heard my door knocked and I open it and saw the Foolish 4 looking at me. I looked at them and said 'What?" Robert smirked and said "I heard you beat Austin in basketball?" I look at him and said "How'd did you find out?" Zach laughed and said "We can see you from our balcony." I nodded and said "So what's up?" Austin then said "Well since you beat me, what would you like?" I looked at him confused and said "what do you mean?" Austin groaned and said "The boys said if anyone ever beat me I have to ask them if they would like anything cuz hardly anyone could beat me and your the first to beat me" I eyes widen and said "Really?" All of them nodded there heads. I laughed and said "I don't want anything." Austin said "are you sure?" I nodded and then said "Hmm well i got nothing else do today so we could all hang out?" The foolish 4 thought about it and nodded. I smiled and said "What do you guys wanted do then?" Alex spoke up first said "Let play 20 questions but on you?" I looked at him weird and said "Why only me?" Alex then said You learn all about us yesterday, but we learn nothing about you." I nodded and said "fine but where at?" Austin said "we could go to olive garden and talk there and eat lunch?" I smiled and said "Am down! Olive Garden is life! Here come in and let me put my shoes on." I let them and ran to my room grabbing my converse and slipping them on. I checked my outfit, spray perfume, and grabbed my phone. I left my room and grabbed my keys off the counter. I look at the boys and said "alright am ready to eat." 

We were all at olive garden and already laughing. On the way there they were already asking questions, which were simple like favorite color, song, artist, sports, and etc. They just asked about my embrassing moment and I told them when I was in 7th grade and my pants rip in pe. The next question caught me off gaurd and Alex asked "So how come there is only you at the apartment?" I gulp and thought no one really asked about that then again i didn't really had friends. I said "um i can't tell you." Austin looked at me with concern with is cute hazel eyes, put his hand ont top of my hand and said "Please JS tell us. You can trust us. We are trying hard for you trust us." I sighed and said "Well you see. Um my parents died in car acciendent when I was 16 and my aunt took me in, but I told her just get me and apartment for i don't bug her so much and I had a job already so I could've payed for myself and with the family." I cover face and cried. I felt someone pulled me into their lap and rock. I knew it was Austin because of his voice when he was singing be alright by Justin Bieber. After a few minutes I stop and pulled away from Austin and saw i got his shirt wet. I looked at him and said "am so sorry." He looked at me and said "it's okay, but are you alright?" I nodded and looked down. He then said "you wanna head home?" I thought about it and said "Let's get ice cream at the ice cream palor and I"ll tell you guys some other stuff you don't know." They all look at each other and said "Sure." I got off Austin's lap and he payed and we all went to Ice Cream shop which is down the street. 

Once we got our ice cream, we walk to the apartments but the long way and I decided to tell them my whole story. Throughout the whole thing they listen not judging one bit. They all had the sympathy look in there eyes but i told them not to worry about it. When we got to the appartments it was 6 already. Zach, Robert, and Alex took the stairs while Austin and I took the elevator. He walked me all the way to my door. Once we got there I turn around and looked at Austin. He smiled at me and said "are you okay?" I nodded and said "Yea am perfectly fine." He looked and unsure but he let it got. He said "alright well I'll see you tomorrow then?" I nodded and open the door to my apartment. I look at him and he looked at me. I quickly gave him a full on hug and kissed his cheek and ran inside my apartment. I lock the door and slid down the door. Why did i just do that? Can I really trust them. Austin is so cute when he worries about me. I can't be falling for Mr. Popular. I thought. I ignore the feeling and went into my room and changed into my PJs. I layed in bed and stare at the ceiling and think of today. Today was really fun. Beating Austin was the best thing ever. Hanging with the foolish 4. Being with Austin. Austin making sure I was okay.  I shot up my bed quickly and said "Am falling for Mr.Popular!" 

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