Chapter 14~Meeting my Aunt...

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Jessica 'POV':

I woke up monday morning at 7:30 since I have practice at 8:30. On Sunday and Saturday, Austin and the guys hung with me sometime they stay in my apartment to wait when I come back from work. Anyways I change into some spandex and then slip my sweats over them. I then I change into a sports bra, slipping a tank top over and then a sweater. I slip on my socks and slids. I then grabbed my sports bag and stuff my cleats and running shoes in it. I grabbed the bag and my phone and walk out of my room. I then grabbed 2 bottle waters and 2 granole bars and stick it my sports bag. I heard my phone rang, I didn' t bother checking who called so I just answered. I said "Hello?" The person replied "GoodMorning Babe." I smiled and say "Morning and shouldn't you be asleep?" He laughs and say "Nah, I rather take my girlfriend to soccer practice." I smiled and say "well i just finish getting ready." He then says, "already at your door." I laughed and say, "I'll be there in a bit." He says "bye." and I hung up. I walk to the door and I see Austin with Starbucks. I laughed and say, "Really before practice?" He nodded and say "just hot chocolate." I rolled my eyes and say "Let's just go." 

We just finish practice and am so tired! I took of my cleats and then change into my slips. I looked around and saw Austin's car. I walk to his car slowly cuz I was tired. Austin notice my tiredness and got out of the car and ran to me. He then carries me bridal style and walk to the car. I started laughing and I say, "You didn't had to." He smiles and say, "You were slowly walking and plus you need some breakfast in your system so we gonna get lunch." I smiled and said "where?" He smirkes and say "Panda Express?" I nodded and said "Panda Express." We got to the car and he carefully lets me down and he grabs my sports ba and put in the trunk and I got into the car. When we drove to Panda Express, Austin says, "Maybe Panda Express, would be our always?" I started laughing so much and say,"Did you just qoute The Fault of Our Stars." He was about to reply, but we arrive to panda express and he looks at me and say, "Panada Express?" I smiled and say, "Panda Express." We walk out of the car and into Panada. 

It was now 3 and we just arrived to the apartments. When we got to my front door, I say "You wanna come in and play games?" He smirkes and say, "If i can bring the boys?" I laughed and nodded. I stayed in the hall way while he gets the boys. Once he got the boys, I smirked at them and said,"Ready to get you butts kick?" I open the door and I saw my aunt sitting on the couch. I say "Aunt Vero?" She smiles at me but her eyes widen of the boys. I say,"Aunt Vero meet my nieghbors Zach, Austin, Robert, and Alex." The boys walked towards her and gave a propertly handshake and say, "Nice to meet you." She smiled at the boys way of acting and says, "Nice to meet you to." She then hugs me and I hugged back. She says "I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner today, but I guess your busy?" I then say, "I would love to go to dinner, the boys are just staying for like 2 hours." My aunt smiled and said "Alright, meet me at Olive Gardens at 7 and bring your friends and boyfriend." Austin blushed and looked at her shocked. I then say, "What are you talking about." She laughs and say, "I could just tell, so I see you guys later." She walk out and I say, "Well guys looks like your meet my Aunt." I turn around and see the boys set up for the game. I rolled my eyes and say, "Let's the games begin." 

I just finish getting ready. I grabbed my bag and walk out of my apartment and met the boys in the hallway. They are all wearing button up shirts. I smiled and say "Let's go meet my Aunt." We all decide to take Austn's car to OG. Once we arrived we found my Aunt's table and we all sat down. It was Alex, Robert, and Zach one side, while Austin, me, and my Aunt on the otherside. We all order and my Aunt ask questions to all the boys. Towards the end of the dinner my Aunt says, "So are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend or nah?" We all started cracking up and I say," Yes Aunt Vero. Austin meet my Aunt, Aunt meet Austin." I lead back a bit so Austin could be able to shake her hand once more. She smiles and nodded her head as approval.I did a small happy dance in my head. It was the end of the night and my Aunt was abot to pay, but Austin beat her to it. She thanked him. I told the guys I"l meet them in the car in bit once we got outside. I looked at my Aunt and hugged her goodbye, she says "Goodbye sweetie and keep in touch with these boys." I laughed and say "I will." She smiles and say, "I do approve Ausitn. He's a great guy for you." I blushed and nodded. She laughs and kissed my forehead. She then starts walking to her car and then Austin's car pulled up to the front. I enter and we were off to the apartments. I then say, "Well my Aunt love you guys and she apporves Austin so we are in the clear!" We all cheered and laughed. Austin then says, "wait, we forgot one person." We all looked at Austin and he say, "My mom. You gotta meet my mom." My mouth widen because I completely forgot about that.

Author Note: Hi guys! lol don't forget to Vote/Comment! and check out my new story on my profile called 'Emailing' and it's and Austin Mahone love story(; lol see you guys later :D

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