Chapter 19~ CIF Soccer Game

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Jessica 'POV':

I woke up to yelling. I groan and walk to my living room seeing the boys arguing over a game. I yelled, "What the hell are you guys doing here?" Austin quickly looked at me and say, "Sorry for waking you babe. I told the idiots to shut up cuz you were sleeping."

 I rolled my eyes and say, "Boys sit down. All of you." They all sat down quickly. I walked back and forth in front them and say, "How the hell did you guys get in here? It's 8 in the morning and I was planning to wake up at 9, since I have a CIF soccer game at 1 in the afternoon. I wanted extra rest so explain." The boys looked at Austin and Austin glared at them and say, "I know it was your game so I wanted to surprised you with breakfast so I basically beg the the manager to give me your key to your room, which work. So we walk in bringing all the ingredients to make food but then the boys started arguing and I was telling them to shut up but they didn't listen in."

I took a deep breath and say, "Thats really sweet Austin cuz I know the idiots wouldn't think of that." All 3 them got up and say "Hey!" I glared at them and the quickly sat back down. I then say, "You 4 guys are gonna put the ingredients away and get me breakfast from McDonald's. I am gonna go shower and get ready for soccer so leave." The boys hugged me one by one and left, Austin hugged me and gave me a peck on the lips and smiled. I locked my door and went to my room. 

I took a quick shower and changed into my sports bra and spandex. I walk out of my room and saw Austin and the boys back already. They were sitting on my table eating and didn't notice me. I messed up Austin and kissed his cheek. The boys looked up from their food and their jaws dropped. I grabbed a Hash brown and  sat on the counter and ate it. I say, "what's wrong?" Austin says, "You're just wearing a sports bra." I nod and Zach says, "In front of us." Robert then says, "Isn't it weird." Alex basically yells, "Yo! She has a mini six pack!" I rolled my eyes, hop of the counter and slap behind all their heads. I say, "Yes am wearing a sports bra in front of you guys. and yes I have a mini six pack whats wrong with that." Zach was about to say something but Robert and Alex quickly slap him because they knew he was gonna say something stupid. I rolled my eyes and finish my food.

Right now we are at the CIF Soccer game warming up. We have 5 minutes before the game starts and we were all strechting. A lot of people came to watch. I scan the crowd and saw the boys cheering and have posters for me and their girlfriends. I laughed and continue to stretch. I heard the referee blowing her whistle and we all went on to the field. The ref flips a coin and I choose head and the other team choose tails. We got to start off the game, me and Sarah got into position, I whispered, "Let the game begins." 

It was half time and we have 3 and they have 2. I passed the ball to Sarah who quickly passes it to Alyssa who quickly dribbles the ball away from the other teammate and passes it to me. I was about to score a goal but saw someone coming towards me I quickly passes it to Sarah who made the goal and I was pushed to the ground.  My team including our coach ran towards asking if I was okay. I nodded but my ankle isn't saying that. I could basically see Austin trying to get off from his seat but his friends kept him down. The ref blow the whistle meaning we get a penalty shot and she came running towards us and say, "are you going to be okay?" I nodded but my coach says, "Jessica rest. Your ankle is practically swollen after the girl pushed you." I shook my head no and say, " I got 15 minutes left of the game I could handle it." He sigh's and say, "Alright but if I see you hurting in anyway am taking you out of the game." I nodded and the ref blow her whistle meaning am gonna do the penalty shot. I took a deep breath and ran and kick the ball into the goalie and I made it. We all cheered and continue the game even though my ankle was throbbing in pain.

The last whistle was blown after I made the last goal. We all cheered because we won CIF! My team lifted me and cheered even the crowd was cheering. I see the boys hoping the fence to get to us. It was 6-5 game. My team carefully down and I lifted up in the air again by Austin and I see the other guys lifting their girls. I giggled and Austin sets me down slowly. I looked up at him and he says, "You okay." I nodded and he kisses my forehead. My coach walk towards me and say, "It was great being your coach, I wish you were here way before but oh well. I hope to see you soon and make sure you check you're injury."

 I nodded and he left. I smiled and looked back at Austin. I was about to give him a peck on the lips but was tackled onto the floor by Sarah, Alyssa, and Elizabeth. I groan and say, "Guys still injured." They giggled and Alyssa say, "Sorry but we are just excited! We made it to CIF and won!" Sarah says, "We hardly even make it to finals!" Elizabeth says, "But we did thanks to you!" I smiled and say, "It wasn't all me." They rolled there eyes and I was tackled again to the floor, but Robert, Zach, and Alex. I let out and 'ow' and say, "Still injured."  They quickly got off and Austin help me up. I say, "before we celebrate can we go to the hospital to check my ankle." They all nodded and we walk towards Austin car while the girls grabbed their stuff and mine since Austin is practically carrying me to the car. 

When we got to the hospital, we were waiting in a room till the doctor came. I got the chills because this is where I lost my parents. They were both on life support but it was too late. I heard a knock on the door and the doctor came in. She says, "Jessica Sanchez." I nodded and she took a look at my ankle. She nodded and said, "am for sure it's not fractured but let's take an x-ray just in case. I nodded and she sends a nurse in to take my x-ray.

After the hospital we found out the it's not broken but I gotta wear an ankle brace and have crutches for I don't put pressure on it. We were in the car don't know what to do. I says, "Let's eat at OG! For our win." They laughed and I say, "am serious but can we not change cuz am pretty lazy." They all laughed and Robert drove us to OG. Austin kisses my forehead and say, "Of course you are babe." I rolled my eyes and join them. 

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