Chapter 9~Date!

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Jessica 'POV':

I just got inside my apartment after Austin dropped me off. He said he need some stuff for our date and he told me the our date is semi-formal. I looked at the time and saw it was 5:00pm, 2 hours to get ready, that's enough time, I thought. I went to my restroom and took a quick shower. Once I was done showering, I turn off the water, dried myself and wrapped a towel around my body. I inside my walkin closest and change into my undergarments and then slipped on my robe. Once the robe was on I decided to look for a semi formal outfit. After about 15 minutes I found the outfit and shoes, I set down on the couch that was inside my closet and then I went back to the restroom and blowdry the rest of my wet hair. Once my hair was dry, I turn on my curler to heat up and I did my makeup natural. After my make up was finish, I curled my hair. Once all of my hair was curled, I had 20 minutes left. I quickly slipped on my outfit. I slipped on my heels and smiled because the outfit turn out way better than I imagined. I grabbed my phone and slipped in my cluth and walk out of my room. Once I got to the kitchen I had 5 minutes left and that's when the door bell rang. I laughed cuz Austin was early. I open the door and saw Austin. I smiled and said "hey." He smiled back and said "Hi and you look beautiful as always." I blushed and shoved him. He laughed and said "Are you ready my lady." I giggled and nodded. He took my hand and we both walked out of my apartment after I lock it.

We both took the elevator and walk out of the apartment. I asked Austin " So where are we going?" He smirked and said "That's for me to know and you to find out." I rolled my eyes and said "are we walking or are you driving?" He then laughed and said "Neither." I looked at him confused and car pulled up infront of us. I saw Alex got out of the driver seat and open the door for us. I looked at Alex and then Austin. Austin says "He offered." I just laughed and enter the car with Austin. Alex enter the car shortly and says "Ready?" Austin looked at me and we both noddeded . Alex nodded and started to drive. 15 minutes later we arrived at a park I never noticed before. Austin interwined my hand and said "Come on our date is over here." We walk for about 5 minutes until we stop at the most beautiful place. There were lights hanging around the trees, a table for two set up between two trees, and low quiet music in the background. Austin then says "Do you like it?" I looked at him and said "No," He looked at me scared and I smiled and said "I LOVE IT!" He sighed and squeeze my hand. We both walk to the table and he settled me in my chair. We both open the top of our plates and I saw pizza with fries and I laughed! I looked at him and said "Best dinner ever!" He chuckled and said "I thought it was better for the both of us." I smiled and said "Definitly." After 30 minutes of eating and talking about each other and what happens at school, Austin says "Do you want dessert?" I smiled cheekly and nodded. He nodded and ring the bell that was there. Moments later I saw Alex, Robert, and Zach came out of no where in suits and took our plates and replaced them with chocholate covered strawberries. Once they left, I looked at Austin and started laughing. After laughing for awhile I asked Austin "Why?" He smiles and says "I won them on COD" I smirked and said "I would've beat you all." He rolled his eyes and says "Just eat your chocolate strawberries." I giggled and eat. After eating and haveing small talk Austin says "You ready?" I nodded and he got up and took my hand. He then said "The boys will clean up and we'll be driving home." I looked at him confused and said "We got no car." He smirked and says "Dropped off my car after you lunch and Alex pick me up with his." I nodded and we both enter his car and drove back to the apartments.

Once we arrived to the apartment complex, we decided to take the stairs to take our time. Once we arrived to the our doors we just stood outside of it and looked at each other. I smiled and hugged him and he hugged back. I was about to walk inside my apartment but Austin pulled me out, making me closed the door and me against the door. He looked at me and said "Jess you have no idea how much I want you." I bit bottom lip because I was scared, yet excited and nervous. He smirkes and says "Don't bit your lip Jess, it such a turn on." I giggled and looked at him and we made eye contact. He then says, "Jess I know we only knew each other for about a week, but it feels like I've known you my whole life. So what am I saying is, Will you be my girlfriend?" I looked at him shocked and smiled and said "yes." He smiled and said "phew, that means I could do something, I've been wanting to do since day 1." I looked at him confused and he wrapped his arms around my waist and leans down and kissed me. I was shocked at first but then I kissed him back. He smiles and pulls me closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. Our lips moved in perfect sync, it's like we were meant to be.

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