Chapter 16~Ice Cream?

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Jessica's POV:

"You got me in chains-"

I hit my alarm and stretch. I smiled because its been 2 weeks after Thanksgiving break and this week is finals and we get out early after 2 hours of 2 periods of testing. Then we are out for winter break on Thursday, which is like 3 weeks. Austin and I are doing great. Alex finally asked Sarah out so they hang out at our lunch at times or they don't due to Taylor issues. I am still working on for Robert and Zach to ask their girls out.

I got up and walk to my restroom and lock the door. I turn the shower on, stripped off my clothes, and enter the shower. After a quick shower, I turn off the water, dry myself and then wrapped a towel around my body. I exit the shower and enter my walk-in closest. I choose a random outfit and then change into it. I went back to the restroom, blow dry my hair, and then left my hair natural. I did my make-up and then slip on my converse.

I grabbed my phone from it's charger and slip it into my back pocket. I check the time and it was 6:50 and the boys should be here in 10, so I grabbed my small purse for today and then an apple. I walk out of my apartment locking the door and knock on the boys door because I got nothing else to do. I was almost done with the apple when the door was open. It was Zach and he said "We were about to get you." I laughed and said "sure you were, now let me in while you guys get ready" He rolled his eyes and let me in. He went back to his room and I went to the kitchen and sat on the counter. I could here all the boys yelling at each other to hurry up and they kept on running back and forth to find or get stuff and didn't notice me. Austin was finally ready and was walking towards the door and said "Guys! Am heading to pick up Jess! So you all better be ready." As he was walking he passed by the kitchen he looked and then kept walking, but then he ran back and hugged me. He said "How long have you been here? When did you get here? I was just going to get you." I rolled my eyes and said, "I've been here for 10 minutes and I knew you guys weren't ready since Zach open the door in his sweats and I saw you guys rushing." He chuckled and peck my lips. He said "Sorry?" I laughed and said "Let's just get to school. Guys hurry up!"

We got to school and we went to the library to do some quick studying for our math final which is our first final and then study for our English final which is our 2nd final. Once the bell rang we all walk to take our finals.

It's 11:50 and we all just finish day 1 of finals. All 5 of us are just relaxing in the car. Austin was in the driver seat, I was in the passengers, and Robert, Zach, and Alex are in the back. I then say "let's get ice cream to celebrate the first day of finals?" They all cheered and I texted Sarah, Alyssa, and Elizabeth to come to the ice cream shop to surprised the boys. When we arrive to the ice cream shop the boys saw their girls and ran to them, while Austin and I walk towards them. The girls and I stay at or seats while the boys went to get our orders. We were talking about how they escaped from Taylor and the soccer games that has happen. Our last game was the day after the last finals. So far the season has been great since we've won every game so far. When the boys came back we just started playing truth or dare and talked about what to do over winter break.

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