Chapter 20~Break In

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Jessica 'POV':

I woke up the next morning to the smell of waffles. I look at my surroundings and remember that I spent the night at Austin's since my ankle was still hurting after our celebration. I grabbed my crutches and slowly crutch my way to the kitchen. I see Austin making the waffles and Elizabeth, Alyssa, and Sarah with Robert, Zach, and Alex. Sarah was the first notice that I enter. She yells, "Merry Christmas Jessica!" I smiled and said, "It's Christmas already?" 

Austin walk towards me and kissed my forehead. He says, "Well Christmas Eve. Come on let's eat." We all walk to the dining room well by we i mean everyone else cuz Austin just decided to give me a piggy back ride to the room. We all ate in silence but it was a good silence. Robert or one of the guys would make a joke and I would just rolled my eyes and same for the girls. 

When breakfast was over we all decided to go to my house and showed the girls since they never been there before. I walk in and frozen by the doorway. My apartment was ruin. There is spray paint on the walls and couches are flip over. Robert says, "what's the ho-" He was cut off when he saw what happen. The girls gasp and I quickly try to walk to my room with the crutches. Austin says, "am calling the police."

I nodded and continue to my room. I notice my bed is flip over, there is spray paint everywhere on the walls. I felt tears running down my face. I walk to my restroom, I saw 'Merry Christmas -T.A.'  with red lipstick written,  I quickly went to my walk-in closest and saw my clothes all over the floor and place. Once I saw my photo albums on the floor and scatter and rip. 

I let go of my crutches and fell to the floor, grabbing the pictures and kept saying, "No, No, Not the photos." I heard footsteps coming to me and Austin voice, he whispered "Jess." I shook my head no. Austin went down to floor with me and hugged me. I just started crying into his chest. He rocks me back and forth saying, "Don't worry the police is coming." He lift me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist forgetting the pain on my ankle. 

The boys walk into the restroom with the girls and saw the writing they gasp and look at me. Austin carries me out of my room to the main living room with the boys trailing behind us. I heard "open up, it the police." Robert ran towards the door to open it and Austin let me to the floor slowly. I turn around and saw to police men. One says, "My name is officer Luke and this is my partner Jake. So who's apartment is this." I say, "Mine." 

Officer Luke nodded and say, "Alright Jake is gonna ask you guys some questions and am gonna look around and take pictures and evidence." I nodded and officer Jake walk towards me, while Austin, the guys, and girls stand behind me. Officer Jake first ask, "What are your names." "My name Jessica Garcia, his name is Austin Mahone, Robert Villanueva, Zach Dorsey, and the girls name are Sarah Wright, Alyssa Mendoza, and Elizabeth Torres," as I point out to each. 

He then says, "Okay, so what happen?" I took a deep breath and say, "Well yesterday was our CIF final soccer game, so none of us were home. During the game I sprain my ankle, but I didn't do anything to it after my game, so that explains the crutches and brace. After I got my ankle check, we decided to go to Olive Garden for a victory dinner, then we went to Austin's apartment, which is across the hall from mine and we just watch movies and slept over. When we woke up, we ate breakfast and then decided after to go to my apartment to hang out and for I can give them my gifts. But once we walk in we notice my apartment was destroyed." 

Jake nodded and wrote everything I said. He says, "And you guys heard no noise coming from this room." Well all nodded and Officer Luke walk towards us. Officer Jake says "alright that's about it." Then officer Luke says, "Do you guys know anyone that has an initial T.A?" 

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